Chapter 15

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I shrieked, a million obscenities going through my head. Shit. It hurt like when I got the second piercing, but doubled. I closed my eyes, waiting for the sting to pass. When it did, my thoughts became a hazy mess.

His teeth left my skin, stained red with blood. But from what I guess were hormones or something like that, it didn't bother me. His lips moved from my shoulder to my lips.

We kissed.

It was intoxicating. My fingers snaked through his hair, pulling him impossibly closer. Hands traveled to my waist, to the sensitive bite mark on my shoulder, to my hair. I want to meld us together, like how a welder joined together metal. He broke off to take a breath. That's when I moved to sink my teeth into the side of his neck. He hissed in pain and took in a ragged breath. I smiled against his skin, drawing out my teeth. The rest of my memory from there was fragmented pieces at best. But I remember being exhausted when I went to sleep.


Jonah's POV

I woke up first. Sunlight streamed through my windows. It felt like any other normal Saturday morning--except it was far from normal. Imani was asleep, braids splayed out over my pillow. Dry blood crusted at the side of her neck. I wiped it off with a tender hand. She stirred. That spot would be incredibly sensitive for the rest of her life. I reached to feel my own. It was tender and still a little puffy, but being a werewolf, it would heal fast enough.

She looked peaceful sleeping, a face that she didn't often show me. I won't pretend that she would've chosen me in any other circumstance. She did this to get it over with and that was it. My lips tingled from the memory of her lips against mine. I'm wasn't going to pretend that she would've done that if she had been able to think clearly. I ran my hands through my hair and just sat there. There was no buzzing in my head, no urge compelling me, no scent too strong to ignore--it was just peaceful. She stirred more, opening her eyes in a dreamy haze.

"That was one hell of a dream," she whispered softly.

"It wasn't one." She looked frightened as she studied my face for a few seconds before she remembered the events of the day previous.

Her hand traveled to her neck. She pressed on the fresh bite mark, recoiling immediately afterward. "It's sensitive."

"It'll heal, but it'll be sensitive for the rest of your life."

She sat up, back to me. "I did what you wanted. Do I get to go home now?"

"Then take Wolfsbane and disappear? I know exactly what you plan to do."

Her face betrayed her. "You said my thoughts would be safe."

"They are, but I'm not stupid."

"What about school? Am I just going to drop out?"

"Nobody suggested that. You'll have to live in the house."

Her shoulders dropped. "I let you bite me. I even bit you back. You're free, your life is no longer on the line and you're not going to go feral. I should get to leave."

"We're tied together--it's like a marriage."

"I'm too young to be tied to anyone forever."

"Most werewolves mark each other at this age."

"I thought I only had to let you bite me for your sick ritual and then I would be allowed to go home!"

"Sick ritual? You didn't seem to think it was very sick last night." She glared at me from the corner of her eye. "That was nothing and you are nothing to me."

"You say that only hours after you were kissing my collarbone."

"Shut up before I wring your neck." Her canines elongated before she realized what was happened. "Damnit."

It was amusing and a little cute, watching her trying to figure out how shifting worked. "You'll get better at keeping them inside your gums."

She cracked her knuckles. "I don't want to be seen in school with you, I don't want you to talk to me outside of English and I will not be changing gym classes."

"Then you'll have an unfair advantage."

"I always came in first anyway. It'll be no different now. On top of that, I will go out with my friends when I like, to where I like and I won't notify you beforehand. This is not a request, it's a notice."


"And I demand to see my parents."

I pressed my lips into a thin line. She tilted her head to the side. "So you're going to deny me the right to see my parents? They're probably in distress right now. I mean imagine if some girl kidnapped you so she could bite your neck."

"It wasn't kidnapping."

"Then what was it?" She challenged, tone sharp. I kept silent, staring out the window. "Exactly."

"We can bring your parents here to see you, but you're going to be monitored at all times."

"I want to be alone."

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. I knew her parents had the capabilities of making Wolfsbane and concealing until close range. If she thought I was an idiot, she was mistaken.

She gritted her teeth. "Fine. Bring them in."

I yawned, stretching out my limbs. "There's a guest room down the hall. That'll probably become your room."

She stood and head into the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind her. I sighed and went downstairs.

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