Chapter 25

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Jonah's POV

The pack's men and soldiers stood in an open field near the fence. "They've already breached our fence and soon they will pour into our is our job to protect our homes. Our children," my father looked at a man with a child on the way, "and our mates." His eyes settled on me. "They will take them away from us if we let them."

My blood began to boil. His speech was having its intended effect.

"And men--we take no prisoners here at the Midnight Moon Pack."

The crowd simmered, cheers spilling out from the back. "Let their blood water our trees and soak our fields. And then maybe after we'll send back the bodies," he smiled ruefully, showing off his canines. The crowd cheered louder this time. He turned to me. "Come say something."

My legs moved like they were made out of lead and my tongue was like sandpaper. "My mate's parents lied to the media about the circumstances of what happened here. And before that, they kept her drugged her whole life. They robbed her of her heritage and self-identity."

"Yet your mate doesn't feel robbed?" My father questioned. He was playing devil's advocate.

"She feels as though she owes too much to her parents to hate them. She's loyal, almost to the point of brainwashing. But I'm not. They drugged my mate, hid her from me and from herself and until we stopped them had every intention of doing again," talking about it was making me angrier. "If they weren't my mates parents they would be dead, so once this is over, we'll make them pay for every drop of Wolfsbane that ever touched her tongue."

The crowd roared. My canines pressed against my lips and my vision was red. Blood. I would rip the closet soldier to pieces. If they thought that destroy my home and take my mate.

They were very wrong.


The next night the shooting stopped and the world was plunged into a silent bliss. I had gotten so used to the jarring sound its absence was shocking. It almost felt like I was floating. Jonah and his father came home later, covered in scratches, bruises and bandages, but not any blood. They must've washed it off out of sight. The Luna rushed up to embrace her husband, holding onto him like he was the only thing that mattered and the only person in the room. Silently, she wept on his shoulder. Lara moved to hug Jonah first, than the Luna when she was finished gripping her husband. My feet moved slowly towards him. His gaze burned into me.

Sell the lie Imani. Sell it.

I put my hand on his face, taking him in. "You're alright."

"And you're happy about it?"

I glanced at his mother and father who were also watching me from the corner of their eyes. I lowered my voice into a whisper. "I couldn't sleep last night. Your emotions are rubbing off on me."

He chuckled. "Those are your emotions, not mine."

I laid my head against his chest. No, those are yours, because I want you gone. Hands crawled up my back. I pressed on the fresh cut on his neck. He flinched. "Where'd you get this."

"A downed soldier used his bowie knife on me. It'll heal, don't worry."

"It's going to scar."

His eyes danced as he watched me. "Are you afraid it's going to scar? Are you afraid that I'm not going to be pretty anymore?"

"You're not pretty now."

"I don't know--you were getting acquainted with my chest yesterday." His mom elbowed his father.

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