Chapter 4

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Aibrae Tikonn was sitting in a courtblock. She wasn't on trial; listening to cases was just one of her hobbies. Alternian courts were exciting places of drama, deceit, and gruesome executions, so they were wonderful haunts for young tealbloods aspiring to the honorable career of legislacerator. 

Aibrae went back to her hive happy. She had been in the splash zone.

She greeted her giant gecko custodian at the door and sat down at her computer to troll her moirail.

eclecticDeflector [ED] began trolling wiltingWhistler [WW].

ED: H__.

WW: hi, watz up

ED: N_th_ng m_ch, c__rtbl_ck w_s cr_z_ t_d__.

WW: ztill can't believe y#u enj#y that

ED: ___ d_n't _nd_rst_nd

WW: heh, guezz n#t

ED: H_w's y__r

ED: Fr__nd gr__p.

WW: #h, they're fine

WW: why

ED: N_ r__l r__s_n, I g__ss.


2 sweeps later, the Maid of Space, the Knight of Void, and the Rogue and Bard of Mind begin to feel a vague presence almost attacking them psychically from light-years away.

"[print {what is it}]," asked the Prince of Life.

The Bard said, "th=$= wa|\$ ar= th= d=ath thro=$ of an |mmorta\ |n pa|n."

The Maid asked, "Wh_t c__ld p_ss_bly k_ll _ g_d?"

There was a pregnant pause, and finally an answer.

"Only |t$=lf."


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