Book Club

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Song above: Middle by DJ Snake ft. Bipolar Sunshine.

Description: The one where Naomi is really into the book she's reading and Declan gets a tad bit distracted... Just a tad.

Dedicated to lucideous.


Naomi was having a good day today.

She went to school with the guys, went to some of her classes, had lunch, went to the rest of her classes, finished her homework in all those classes, got some ice cream, and now she was just relaxing.

She's currently sat under a tree, reading a book with her knees up to her chest, at the park her and Parker came to before. But, she wasn't thinking about him or how their relationship turned out. She was just in the mood to come to a park today. It was warm, but not too hot. The sun was starting to set so it was a very nice view.

Perfect reading weather.

Although she read this book and the rest of the series a few times before, she couldn't help but read "The Lightning Thief" just one more time. It's just one of those books that you never get tired of. 

She's around the part where Percy is about to begin his journey to the underworld when she notices a pair of black Nike Sneakers right in front of her feet. She looks up to find none other than Declan Lynch staring at her, eyebrows raised, with a small smile.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi." She returned.

"What are you doing out here by yourself? You could have ridden with us back to the base." Declan wondered.

"Yeah, I know. I just felt like coming here to read for a little while." Naomi answered.

"I see... Mind if I join you?" He insisted.

"By all means." She said and watched him sit down next to her against the tree's trunk.

After that, Naomi just continued to read her book while Declan relaxed against the tree with his head and back leaning on it, eyes closed, while his legs were out in front of him, one leg over the other.  

A few minutes go by and it was a peaceful silence between them. Declan opened his eyes to watch the sunset but his head seemed to have a mind of its own and he found himself watching Naomi being really engrossed with her book.

She couldn't help help but make these cute little faces when she found something interesting or maybe even nerve wracking. His personal favorite was when her noes scrunched up and her eyebrows furrowed just a bit in order to give a little indent between them. 

He really just wanted to reach over a smoothen it out due to it being unfairly adorable.

He was all of a sudden taken out of his trance when Naomi's head snapped up and looked toward him to find him staring at her with a look of pure interest. It was safe to say she was feeling slightly warm.

Naomi looked like she really needed to get something off of her chest and that's when she huffed, "I need to rant."

"Well, I'm a good listener." Declan suggested with a smirk.

"Good." She declared as she began her rant.

"So, you know how I'm currently reading 'The Lightning Thief'?" She  questioned rhetorically. 


"Yeah, well I hate how they completely butchered the movie version! Like I know people say that all the time but wow! I have never really cared much about it until now. And that says A LOT because I read A LOT!" Naomi gushed.

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