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You missed everything about him. You missed his perfect green eyes that changed to blue depending on the light. You missed his perfect black hair. You missed his smile. You missed the way he used to make you smile. You missed him.

But, after seeing him with Christine, you knew you needed to leave. You couldn't stay there with him and her. Because whether or not he was in love with Christine, she was definitely still in love with him. And, watching the two of them broke your heart. 

You didn't realize how hard you had fallen for Stephen until that moment, but what were you going to do now? Well, you had decided to take a trip to Nepal. You had never been there, and you were feeling like doing something spontaneous. Besides, anything would be better than staying in your home, moping over Stephen all day.

When you got to Nepal, it was hard to find your way, because no one really spoke English. It was weird for you to be in a place where no one could say anything to you, and if they did, you wouldn't understand it.

But, as you got closer to the capital city of Nepal, Kathmandu, you realized that a lot more people knew how to speak English. You were walking through the streets when suddenly you were pulled into one of the alleys. You struggled against whoever it was, but they placed a hand over your mouth, trying to keep you quiet. 

In a second, the man was thrown off of you by another man, and when your assailant tried to attack the man who saved you, the man used what looked strangely like magic to scare him off. You took in the appearance of your savior. He was a dark-skinned man with black hair and brown eyes.

You gave him a small smile and said, "Thank you." He returned the smile, and replied, "Please, come with me." You hesitated for a moment before following him to a door on one of the buildings that surrounded you. "Wait, before I go any further, can I at least know your name?" you asked him.

"My name is Karl Mordo," he responded. "I'm-," you began to say but you were cut off by him. "Y/N Y/L/N," he finished for you. "How do you know that?" you asked him. "Everything will be revealed as soon as you come inside with me," he replied. 

You followed Karl inside and he brought you to a room where a woman who was bald and dressed in robes stood. You looked at her politely as she gave you a small smile. "Y/N Y/L/N, welcome," she stated. "Thank you...," you trailed off, not knowing her name. "Ancient One," Karl told you. "Ancient One?" you asked. "Yes. Everything you think you know is about to change. Will you allow me to show you?" she asked you.

You nodded your head and she motioned towards a chair that was in the center of the floor. You went and sat down in it, and she touched your forehead. You mind raced as you seemed to be sent to different worlds, each one unique in its own way, with the Ancient One explaining. 

After a few moments, you were snapped back into reality and you looked at her wide-eyed. Everything you thought you knew has changed. Now you knew so much more. "Welcome to Kamar-Taj, a place for the broken," she told you. "Wait, but I'm not broken," you replied. "You are on some level. You may not be physically, but something recently has happened that broke you," she replied as your mind drifted to Stephen and Christine. 

"Why me?" you asked her. She brought you into another room as she began explaining everything about the Dark Arts and how a former student of hers turned evil and he and his followers, known as the Zealots, wanted to release Dormammu, an entity with apocalyptic levels of power.  

Slowly you began to understand everything that was happening, and again you asked, "But, why did you take me in? Why not someone else?" "It was prophesied that someone matching your description would come to Nepal and save us all from my former student Kaecilius. Alongside you, will be a great sorcerer, but we have yet to meet him. You have to do this or the entire world will be open to the Dark Dimension," she explained.

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. A few days ago, you were a surgeon and now you were a wizard prophesied to save the world. "What do you say?" Karl asked you. "I agree," you replied. The Ancient One smiled before saying, "Karl will begin your training."

You weren't expecting to find this when you decided to travel to Nepal, but this was definitely the new start that you wanted. 

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