~my name~

16 4 3

"It's better to be hurt, than hurt others" is what my aunt always said to me. Because if you were to hurt others you were one to commit sin upon the world. But if you were to have the pain inflicted on yourself, you were the real hero.

My name is Jace, I'm currently 16 in Farley High School. I live with my aunt Julie right off Cambridge road. My mother died giving birth to me and my father left me at his sisters place when my mom died. I live an okay life I guess, it's just me and my aunt right now, she never married and isn't seeing anyone right now.

Life is pretty normal in the city of Shale, it's a small city and we usually keep to our own. But right now I'm getting ready for school which starts at 8:00. It's currently only 6:24 and I'm looking in the mirror for what I should wear. I've already combed my white hair, I have a buzz cut on the left side of my face with loose roughly an inch and a half of hair falling toward my left side of my head.

I have an average height of 5 feet and 7 inches so the clothes I wear is pretty easy to find. Though half of my clothes are from my dad that my aunt for some reason, probably because he used to live here with my mom when she was pregnant with me. I'm currently male so I don't have to care about make-up, so the last thing I have to worry about is what to wear. I'm thinking about some tannish khakis and a white shirt with a grey flannel.

"Hey hon! Breakfast is ready! Eggs and hash browns! Hurry up before it gets cold!" My aunt says in a projecting voice so that I can hear her. "Okay aunt Julie, be right down!" I answer. My aunt currently works at a 4 star restaurant called "The Surley Grill", she's one of the head cooks so I get amazing food while I'm with her.

"Wow, you look great, hot date at school?" She says when she sees me come down the stairs, "hey! You say that every day, and no I don't" I say. "Well every time I say it, you look like a super star" she says, I just look away with embarrassment while eating breakfast. "You know, Mr. Hankly is suppo-" "I don't care about that, all I'm caring about is school, that's all I should be caring about" I say while I interrupt her.

"Well ok, sorry for bringing it up, but you should head out soon, school starts in an hour and it takes about 20 minutes to get there" she says trying to continue the conversation. "Yeah your right, thanks for the food aunt Julie, see you When you get home tonight!" I respond with, "okay, I love you hon, have a great day at school!" She says as I walk out the door "thanks, love you to!" I say while I'm half in the house half outside.

I get into my car, it's a blue Ford car and can only hold four people. I turn the ignition to my car, and it starts, on my way to school.

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