~My class~

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Suddenly I look at the white board in the front of the room… MID-TERM EXAMS! This day just gets worse and worse by the minute. I go to the front of the room to see my new seat in this class, every few months there is a new seating chart of where you sit. My seat is in the middle back of the classroom, which is just fine for me. My first hour is geometry 11 so math, I really hate math.

I usually get to class early with roughly five minutes before the class started, which wasn't enough time today because I was freaking out about mid-terms today. It's almost as though the devil just randomly chose me out of seven billion people and said “you, you are going to be my entertainment for today”.

After five minutes of freaking out I've calmed down, everyone else in my class slowly walks in over time and 30% of the other kids freaked out just as much as I did. The rest are just geniuses and said that this was gonna be a piece of cake, avid that I say let me give you a piece of my mind! Not all of us were geniuses and don't have to study everyday!

Over time I see everyone sit in their rightful spots. Sooner or later one person sits next to me. She's Asian with a height of maybe short 5 feet? Wearing sweat pants with a blue shirt on, She has shortish hair down to her bottom of her ears with black color in them. I try not to pay too much attention because I fear of I do she'd think I was a pervert and trying to get a look.

The teacher walks in with the tests as says “I hope you all read the board, hour you all studied hard” all the people in the Class pulls out their pencil while I see a few pull out a small sheet of paper with scribbles on it, they look like they are trying to hide it to. I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's some type of cheat sheet.

And so the tests are handed it while I'm trying to read off of one of the sheets the other kids have, and so the test begins while my inner self crumbles inside from looking at the questions, I have no idea what they are talking about.

I try my best while I see everyone else flying by, the sound of everyone flipping the page while in still on question three! At the end of the test I look at the girl sitting next to me, She is writing her name in Japanese I think? Maybe Korean. But she puts it in English below it and it says her name is “Unmei”. “Is that your name?” I ask in a whisper so the teacher doesn't hear me, “yeah, it's Japanese” she responds with.

“How do you know your name in Japanese?” I ask, “I was born in Japan, raised there in fact until I was seven” she says with a little trouble, “wow, that's cool” I say while she responds with “yeah, kinda”. I just turn back and put my head down for the rest of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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