~my school~

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I HATE THE ROAD!!! PEOPLE ARE SUCH IDIOTS!! It's almost as though people try to piss me off! The guy was was going 50mph when the Speed limit was 65mph!! And all he did was sit right in front of in the lane for the exit. But he never even took the exit! People like those are sent from the depths of hell to annoy the crap out of me!

But anyway, I pulled into the parking lot at Farley High and as soon as I got out I went to the front of the school where I usually hang out when it's nice out. But on my way over there I saw the most beautiful thing a man could see. It wasn't in comparison with a diamond nor a pearl, no person could match her beauty, her name was Lexi. There was no name that would sound more elegant, nor beautiful.

I've had a crush on her since freshman year, the day I laid I eyes on her. She is the popular girl in the school, but not the stereotypical type. More the “Oh can I help you with that?” Or “your having trouble with math? Do you need me to help you?” type. She's so beautiful I could talk admit her beauty for years, no, eons!

But sadly, she doesn't care about me the way I do for her. And I knew she never would, because look at me, look at who I am. I'm not a biker boy, or a big beefy guy, I'm little old me with a box of broken glass that no girl like Lexi would want when she's a golden teapot. She's out of my league, so what's the point of an attempt?

She walks past me and I'm in awe of her beauty, she stands out between her friends because of her beauty. They continue down to the front doors and head in. In the meantime I work on my photography project by taking pictures of the trees in the surrounding area. But none are good enough compared to Lexi. It's like looking at the beauty of a sunset, to watching paint dry.

I decide to walk inside after snapping a few photos that would be ok for the project. I continue to go to my first classroom. On my way up the stairs I have a flashback with my grandpa. He said to always stay strong and never let someone you care about get hurt. When I made it to the top of the stairs I told my grandpa I was now a superhero and no one could stop a superhero.

Back at school I made it to the top of the stairs and thought my day was gonna be spectacular. I had no idea why, I just had a feeling, that today would lead to my future, then I walked into the classroom. And you wouldn't believe what I saw...

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