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1:25 PM    

Welch and Lawrence head back to the Winters residence, hoping to get there before the teens. Welch lifts and bends his arm, rolling his sleeve slightly to reveal the time.

"1:30," he tells Lawrence, turning his head to face him. "We're cutting it close."
"We'll make it there. Don't worry."
    Welch turns and leans his elbow on the armrest. Lawrence fidgets with the radio as he makes the turn onto Kate's street.
"Here we go," Lawrence says as he puts the car in park. "You ready?"
"Guess so." Welch shrugs.


5:37 PM

"What are we looking at?" Sherman asks as a deputy lifts the yellow tape, allowing Sherman to enter the crime scene.
"Peter Hellocks, eighteen, found in the shed by the groundskeeper."
Sherman bends down to inspect the body. "Poor kid. Whoever did this must have had some real anger towards this kid."
"One of the deputies is talking to the coach."
"Where's the weapon?"
"Bagged. Murderer used Hellocks' own helmet to beat him to death."
"Fuck," Sherman mumbles, standing upright to watch the coroner walk in. "Time of death?"
She lifts her head. "I literally just got here. I need a few minutes. It'll be in my report."
Sherman sighs as he exits the shed. "That the coach?"
"Yep. Coach Hunter." Officer Daryl says.
"Alright, bring him over."
Officer Daryl returns with the coach. "Coach Hunter, Detective Sherman."
"Good to meet ya."
"Likewise. Sorry, it's under these conditions."
"What can I do for ya?"
"When was the last time you saw Hellocks?"
"After practice. He and the security guard were the only two left on the field."
"Security guard?"
"Yeah. Didn't catch his name."
"Can you describe him?"
"Brown hair, green eyes, about your height."
"Hm," Sherman hums. "Do you have Hellocks' parents' information?"
"No, but the Principal will."
"Principal?" he trails off, asking for a name.
"Oh right," Hunter coughs. "Henricks."
"Henricks." Sherman writes. "Alright, I'll be in touch. Thank you for your time. I'm sorry for your loss."
    Hunter nods, and Sherman dismisses himself, treading up the hill to the school.
"I'm looking for Principal Henricks," Sherman says to the woman behind the counter.
"He left for the day a few hours ago," she replies.
"Any idea where I can find him?"
"Who's asking?"
"Detective Sherman." he lifts his badge from his pocket.
"Oh, I'm sorry," she flips through a few files. "Here."
Sherman lays the file on the counter and writes Henricks' address and number. "Thank you. Oh, and I need Peter Hellocks information."
Handing him another file, he writes Hellocks' address. "Thank you. Have a good one."
    She nods, and Sherman heads to his car.


2:45 PM

"Can I get you some coffee?" Laura asks the men.

"No, thank you." Welch answers.
"I'd love some water if it's not too much trouble." Lawrence smiles.
"Of course."
    Laura returns with the glass handing it to Lawrence as they hear keys entering the lock. Laura sits in the chair as both Welch and Lawrence turn their heads, watching the door open.
"Hey, mom, we got pizza," Kate says, stopping in her tracks when she spots the men. "Oh, hey."
"Hello, Ms. Winters, and I assume Ms. Young," Lawrence says, standing. He motions to Welch. "I'm PI Lawrence, my partner PI Welch."
"I am, and she is," Kate replies.
"Please," he motions to the couch. "May we talk?"
Kate looks at Frankie, who nods. "Yeah, sure. Let me just set this in the kitchen."
    Kate returns and sits next to Frankie. She watches Frankie's foot tap the floor. Welch studies her intently, writing how Frankie's acting before the questioning has even begun.
"Well," Lawrence begins. "I'm sure you know by now who's sent us."
Kate's jaw locks. "Yes."
"Well, she only sent us to talk to Ms. Young, but," Lawrence sips his water. "Then we were filled in about Christopher Samuels."
"What about him?" Kate asks wearily.
"We were told that you might have had contact with him." Welch butts in.
Kate laughs. "You're joking, right?"
Lawrence remains stern. "No, ma'am. We understand that the police suspected you multiple times."
"Yeah, they did. But they always ended up realizing that I had nothing to do with it."
"Mhm," Lawrence hums as he turns to Frankie. "Ms. Young, what's your story?"
"Excuse me?" Frankie mumbles.
"What's your story? Where'd you come from? How do you know Kate? Why are you staying with Ms. Winters?"
"Slow down," Kate demands. "She's already freaked out enough. Jesus Christ."
"Language," Laura warns.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Young, but we're just asking basic questions."
"Why isn't he talking?" Frankie turns her chin towards Welch.
Kate looks at Welch. "Wait a minute."
Welch looks down. "I'm sorry."
"You're joking. Are you seriously pretending to be a high school student? Why?"
"Police business."
"You're an officer?"
"I'm a private investigator hired by the police."
"Why are you undercover as a high school student?"
"This case- the Christopher Samuels case to be exact."
Kate remains confused. "This doesn't make any sense."
"Anyways," Lawrence interjects. "Ms. Young, I need you to answer my questions."
Kate huffs, but Frankie nods. "Okay. Go ahead."
"What's your story?"
"I was born here and practically raised myself."
"Raised yourself? How so?"
"My mother cared more about men and alcohol more than me. I learned how to fend for myself at a young age. My mother still only cares about men and alcohol. But of course, now drugs are in the mix, too."
"Is that why you're staying here? With the Winters?"
"Sort of."
"I'm sorry?"
"Yeah, sort of."
"Hm." Lawrence hums.
"What else do you want?" Kate charges.
"Just a few more questions. For both of you." Lawrence interrogates.
"Fine," Laura speaks. "Hurry it up, please."
"Sure, ma'am." Welch apologizes as he nudges Lawrence.
"Ms. Winters, when was the last time you spoke to Mr. Samuels?"
"A few weeks ago, he showed up pretending to be the Chinese delivery guy. I didn't realize it was him at first, but then I said his name, and he smirked. Then he left."
"Just like that?"
"Alright. Did you help Christopher plan his escape?"
"For the millionth time, no." Kate huffs.
"Getting awfully defensive."
"Wouldn't you if you had been asked the same question almost every day since his damn escape?" Kate stands, throwing her hands around before landing at her sides as she sighs.
"I think that's enough, Lawrence," Welch says, standing.
"Yeah," Lawrence rises. "I'm sure we'll be in touch, though."

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