Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next morning I saw Ed brushing his hair in the mirror. He didn't noticed I was awake until I sat up and stretched out my arms. "Oswald, your awake!" He said happily. It's nice to know that someone actually cares about me being alive. There was a sudden wave of pain throughout my body and I suddenly didn't feel so good. I layed back down and groaned. "I don't want to get up." I said in a groggy voice. Ed laughed. "Then don't."

I curled back up into the blankets and stared at Ed. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Work." He replied. "When will you be back?" He set the brush down. "Sometime around 5." I nodded. He walked over to his couch and tied his shoes on.

Once he was done getting ready he walked over to me. "There's some food in the fridge once you decide to have breakfast. Feel free to watch TV or read a book while I'm gone. If you want i can buy you some new clothes." I was shocked that he suggested that. No one ever wants to do anything nice for me. "No, it's ok. Don't waste your money on me. Use it on yourself." He needs that money more than I do. After all he's living in a one room apartment. Not very fancy.

"I insist Oswald. I want to get something nice for you. That's what friends do." A smile started growing on my face. "So you consider us as friends?" I said a bit to excitedly. I call everyone I meet friend but I know they don't consider me their friend. "Are we friends?" He asked. "Of course. You saved my life and now your letting me stay in your home. Your the nicest person I've ever met."

He started smiling too. He leaned over slowly to give me a hug, not knowing how I would react. I leaned over as well and we gave each other a hug just as comforting as last night. After a few moments we pulled away from each other. "I've got to get going now. The phones over there. I left my number so just call if you need anything."

I nodded. "Ok. Bye Eddie." He chuckled at the nickname. "Bye Ozzy." He walked to his front door and locked it before heading off to work.


It's been a week since I've arrived at Ed's place and it's mostly been boring. Every day Ed goes to work from morning until evening and once he comes back we have dinner and share stories of our past until one of us falls asleep. Ed let's me sleep on his bed and he still sleeps on the couch but I can tell it's uncomfortable for him. "Hello." Ed said as he walked through the front door after a long day at work. "Hey." I replied. He took off his work coat and hung it up on the wall. I noticed the way his shirt hung onto his body. His muscles popped out and revealed how muscular he really is. I was shocked at how random that thought was but come on, I'm the gayest gay to ever gay.

Ed is a friend. Nothing more and nothing less. I noticed he was carrying a bag with a restaurant name I had never heard of before. "What's that?" I asked. He reached in the bag and placed containers of food down on the table. "I got us some dinner. I hope you like Chinese." I smiled. "Love it." I was sitting on his bed so I got up to go to the table when suddenly my legs gave out and I fell on the floor.

"Ow." I groaned. "Ozzy!" Ed quickly ran over and leaned down. "Here, let me help you up." He put one arm around my back and the other on my shoulders and lifted me up. My head was leaning on his chest and I could feel my face heating up. He helped me walk to the table and sat me down on the chair. "Sorry." I mumbled. "Don't be. Your still healing, that's why your here." He said.

His words hurt a bit, even though they weren't meant to. He's right about me being here to heal but I feel a sort of connection to him. Does he even want me here? Maybe I should talk to him about it later. "You ok?" Ed broke me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine." We ate our dinner in silence until I heard Ed humming a song to himself. It was my favorite song. I decided to start singing with him. When he heard me singing he joined in and we started singing together while using spoons and forks as drums.

"For my mother looks over me!" We finished the last line together. I became silent once I got an idea but Ed kept singing. Once he saw that I stopped singing he stopped too. "Where's that gentleman you had tied up earlier?" I asked. "Galavans lackey? Why do you ask?" I started smiling and he knew what I was thinking. He looked over at his closet where the man was most likely tied up.

He walked towards the door and I slowly followed him. When he opened the door he revealed the man that was probably on the verge of death. "My mother always said a party isn't a party without entertainment." He laughed and grabbed the man. Once he fully pulled him out of the closet he grabbed a knife. We both looked at each other and smiled. That night was the first time we ever killed someone together. And it was the most fun I've ever had.

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