Chapter 1.

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Hey! Here comes our first chapter
Drum roll please.


So this chapter might be not-very-long, not long but not short and also WARNING: This chapter might be kinda boring so read at your own risk

Before we start there are things that I have to tell you all fluffy readers, like rules for every chapter.

First feel free to correct my grammar or spellings (promise I won't feel bad)
Second do not leave any mean comments that can affect other people

So without further do lets start the journey of

Jhace & Rhane


I don't know how I ended up my life like this, It just feels like my life is cursed, do you also feel that? Here I'am staring to my ceiling like an idiot waiting and waiting for nothing

I have a question.

Do you ever feel you don't wanna go to school anymore because of bullies or because you're scared?

Do you ever feel every step on the school tiles feels like it's eating you alive?

Do you ever feel of anxiety when a person stares at you?

Do you ever feel you just wanna jump off the roof and die?

Well welcome to my world.

I'am Rhane Minton, the school's certified 'loser' or 'nerd'. I've been bullied since elementary because of my braces and glasses and just because of that people call me names like pig, fat nerd, ugly, bitch, etc, and to be honest I don't know what's wrong with having glasses and braces (Your author here is also wearing glasses!) and for me its kinda cute wearing one, it makes you innocent looking but inside your head it's full of dirty thoughts (You know what I mean👀)

I also had a friend Mich short for Michelle, She has the good looks that can make every guy swoon. Oh me? Hahaha I have looks that can make a guy jump off a cliff.

The thing is she's always there for me and comforts me when I'm down. I'm just grateful of my life I that I still have a friend like her.

Tik Tok Tik Tok

I've been staring at the ceiling for how many hours thinking what will happen since it's the first day of school.
Will they change? Will they already stop? but I doubt that.

"Rhie! come down already! You've been there forever." That's my mom calling me, I sat up "In a minute mom!"

I walked towards the bathroom and took a shower since I haven't took a shower yesterday I sniffed my armpits and I swear it smells like a dead rat

Yak Rhane

I came out newly fresh my naked body walking towards the closet and picked leggings and a sweater with a vans since I never care about what I wear. I mean it's just clothes.

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