Chapter 2.

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"Are you sure you're not going with us?" Micheal asked me again for the millionth time "No you guys go already, I'm sure you have things to do" Just a thought of them doing things makes me wanna throw up.

"And what things Rhane?" I better get out of here before she bomb me with her dirty thoughts.

"People like you should know that Mich" I wave them last goodbye and they drove off.

I walked down the street when the rain starts to pour down heavily.

Why? Why me?

A car honks behind me, I looked behind to see a black car my instincts came is this one of the books I read in wattpad? they kidnapped you and turns out their boss is really handsome then you two fall inlove together?

The window rolled down meeting Jhace..

Is my eyes playing tricks with me?

This can't be true.

Too good to be true.

My heart sped up by just looking at his perfect face "D-do you need s-something?" I stuttered.  "Come on. I'll give you a ride" Is Jhace finally talking to me?

Yes he is!

I was speechless for a minute "Uhm are you s-sure? my house is just 5 minute away from here." Just accept it! this might be the chance to finally talk to him

"I insist. You're wet already " I gulped as I played with fingers and finally smiled taking his offer.

I sat beside him, water dripping off my hair as silence engulfed the car.

"Rhane Minton right?" he asked breaking the silence, I bit my lip "yeah." he nodded focusing his eyes on the road.

He knew my name!

Who wouldn't know your name? You're the loser duh.

I glance at him to see his long eyelashes that makes him even attractive. A pumped lips that I can kiss-

Hold there Rhane.

"Where do you live?" I snapped out my thoughts and started to give him directions towards my house. After a few seconds I can already see my house from here.

"This is it" I removed my seatbelt and stepped outside. The sun was already shining, more like smiling at me

I'm kinda missing his soft car seat.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for making your car wet" shyness came over me. I saw him leaning to his car Is he always this looking good? I thought.

"No problem" I gave him a shy wave stepping towards my door

"Wait!" He scratched the back of his neck and nervously laughed.

"Can I have your number?" I was still processing what was happening.

I breath in and out calming myself down "Uh sure let me type it" I took his phone from his hand and accidentally touch the tip of his fingers


That was what I felt.

After typing my nunber I returned it to him "Well see you at school Rhane." he bid me goodbye and drove off.

I was standing there like an idiot when the door flew open "Was that a boy Ms. Rhane Minton?!"My mother squealed "Uh yeah." Trying to act cool.

My mother started to fan-girling. She never saw me with a boy. Like ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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