So long L.A., Hello D.C.

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hello there...      XOXO, JP 

*Jack's P.O.V.*

Me and Mark finished showering and were starting to get ready.  We have 3 hours left. We have to leave in about 35 min. Once we were done changing, Mark and I walked out of the room and went down to the living room to see an annoyed Felix. 

"I told the both of you, that on the day we leave, for the both of you to not fuck." He said throwing his hand's in the air. "What are you talking about?" Mark said in confusion. You could tell there was a bit of terrible acting.

"Mark, how bout you try to lie better, then I'll believe it. And how can you say that, when I heard you fucking Jack. I heard moans and heavy breathing." Felix said with his joking voice. Then Mark and I started to blush. "What. Was the one thing. I said for you both. To not do. On the day we leave." He stated/asked. 

"Not to fuck." Mark and I said in unison. Felix then nodded extravagantly. "And what did the both of you do?" Felix asked like he was talking to two blithering idiots. "Fuck." Mark and I said in unison...again. "Well at least we aren't late." Felix said while standing. "Well we better get going." I said, and we all got our luggages together. Mark had 2 and I had 3. Felix only had 1 because he said his other luggages were with Marzia. So we have 6 luggages to put in the car. Great.

(An old friend has returned. HIS/HER NAME IS TIME SKIP!!!!)

Mark, Felix and I made it to the gate, and we board in about 15 minutes. I put my head on Mark's shoulder. "I'm tired." Mark looked down at me. "Did I tire you out baby?" Mark said, why rubbing my arm. I nodded. He chuckled a bit and kissed me on my head and looked back up. 

"You guys are too cute. Its disgusting." Felix said. I laughed out of my nose. 

A few minutes went by, and I heard the lady at the gate say "Group A is now boarding. Group A you can now board." So me, Mark, and Felix made our way to the gate. There wasn't a long line, so we were second. Once the person in front of us was done scanning her ticket, we went up. Mark let me go first, I scanned my phone on the scanner, and she said 'go ahead' I went up ahead a little bit, but I waited for Mark and Felix in the bridge. I soon saw Mark, and I held my hand out. He soon grabbed it. We waited started to walk a bit, and then Felix catches up to us. As we made our way  towards the plane, I saw the entrance. Two ladies greeted us at the front, they said the usual. 'Hello, Welcome to Jet Blue.' 'Hello, Welcome!!' I smiled at both of them and I let Mark go. My boarding pass says 4A which means I sit next to the window, and I think Mark is 4B. I put one of my carry on in the overhead bin, and I hold on to my noe. (Its a type of purse.) I walked into my little compartment. Mark following behind me. They both soon went in there seats. I went on my phone and waited for us to take off. 

(Hello this is your captain; Time Skip, and your estimated time on this flight will be 5 hours and 13 min)

"please prepare for lift off" The pilot said. My belt was buckled, and I soon felt the plane move forward quickly. I breathed in deeply, and breathed out. I did that several times. I just focused on the air entering my lungs and exiting through my mouth. Soon I found out we were in the air. "Hey baby, you okay? I know your scared of heights, and you hate the feeling when you go up down." I smiled. I responded with "Yea, Im okay." I said, while grabbing his hand. I squeezed it a lil bit. "Im gonna take a nap okay?" I said, he looked at me and nodded. He leaned in and our lips connected. It was quick but sweet. I reclined my chair and got the blanket out. I felt my eye's close.

I woke up and we were half way there, as soon as I reclined my seat back, turbulence  started. The seatbelt sign went back on. "babe can you hold my hand." I told Mark, while I held my hand out for his. "Of course my love." He said. I closed my eye's and I breathed in deep and exhaled. Then the turbulence stopped. "You better now baby?" Mark asked. I nodded. "Good, cause you deserve this." He leaned in, but stopped right in front. Our noses were touching. "you know what you deserve." He whispered. "What" I said, while smiling. "TO DIE!" He yelled and grabbed me by the throat. He started strangling/choking me. I couldn't breathe. I tried to remove his hand but I couldn't, he was too strong. Strong enough to take my life. 

I shot up from my seat and screamed loud. Mark got up and comforted me. Everybody turned to look at me. My breathing was heavy. "Jack are you okay?" Mark said. He was scared. "y-yea. I-im fine. It was just a nightmare. "Ok, y'all can stop being nosey." Mark said directing his comment to the people looking at us. They all looked away, and I felt my breathing go back to normal.

"What was the nightmare about?" Mark said. 

"You Killed Me."


Hello everybody!!! So how are you? Im doing okay. Why tf do I sound like i'm writing in my journal. But I don't know if I already told you this but we are now in summer, and I have enough time to write. Ive been kinda busy lately but now I am 100% focused on this book and my dolan book. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Who's ready for the tea. Remember, its a beautiful day to be alive. 


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