Summer school

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Taking classes during the summer was always something students dreaded the idea of doing. During your one major break of the year, being forced to go back to school because of a single failed standardized test.
The idea did not sit well for you, especially since you were going back there just for your least favorite subject, math. You had never been good with long strings of numbers and symbols, and you had a feeling weren't gonna learn anything soon. Even worse was the teacher, who you were positive was the reason you had failed in the first place.

He had never done anything specifically to spite you, but something about him had always annoyed you. Maybe it was the fact he always seemed to single you out in his class, or at least that's how it felt.
He always used your work as an example for the class, always was hovering over your neck, and giving you small gifts whenever you did well. Despite all these pleasantries, you still felt like he had something against you, like these gestures of kindness were just coating an alternative motive.

The school was a ghost town, a total contrast to its normal full and lively halls, filled with students gossiping, rushing to finish their work, and other distractions. No other cars, students, or teachers seemed to present, not even that weird blind girl with her jump rope obsession was anywhere to be seen.
You paced the open hallways anxiously, realizing you didn't actually know where your teacher's classroom was. You had always just followed everyone else back to class, and now with nobody around, you were at a total loss of where to go.

"No wandering in the halls." A large man with messy, curled hair towered above you. You swore the halls were empty just a moment ago, you had walked everywhere, yet this person had come out of nowhere. It was the principle, somebody you hadn't seen very much throughout your years here.
"Do you know where-" he raised his hand and gestured it down the hall behind him.
Silence filled the empty hallways again.
Not wanting to extend this encounter, you nodded and began to head down where the principle had directed you to.

Your heart fell down to your gut when you entered the small classroom. You were completely alone, no other students, not even your teacher. But this defiantly his classroom, where was he? Or the other students for that matter?
The door behind you swung open, you jumped and turned to face the always optimistic tutor of yours. He had left to brew some coffee, since you were late, and you were his only student for this season.
"Just me? Really!" You whined. He answered you with silence, passing by you back to his desk, and began to dig through his bag. He returned with the familiar neon green learning pad, offering it down to you with a smile. His eyes were always so piercing, just like his presence, but you had never been with him one on one.
Taking the colorful pad from his hands, he returned back to his desk silently and without a noise. Since you were late he already set up everything on the pad for you.
"I'll be up here if you need anything Y/N" he smiled, exposing his large mouth, and almost inhuman looking teeth.

Obviously 12
That's 7

You completed several more modes, increasing in difficulty with ease, as the learning pad began to decide what your strengths and gaps in knowledge was.
Fraction multiplication was next.
You hoped if you did well enough he might let you leave early, or even decide you don't need tutoring for this summer.

Like always, the questions eventually became too much for you to handle. "Baldi." He shot up in desk, he had almost fallen asleep since you had gone so long without any help. "I need help on number 13 in multiplying fractions."
He stood over you looking down at your work, and turned to give you a quick look of disappointment. "You don't get this?"

You sighed, rolling the palms of your hands in your closed eyes. You doubted he was gonna help. He was probably gonna lecture you about the importance of paying attention, and make you find it yourself in the book.
You waved him off, "I think I got this, nevermind."

Returning to his desk, and finishing the rest of his drink, now fully awake, Baldi glared at you, waiting for you to fail or ask for his help again. You grew annoyed. He clearly knew you didn't get what you were doing, but refused to help unless you asked first. What shit teaching method is this? Especially when he becomes aggressive when you fail his questions!

You purposely marked your answer wrong and submitted the final grade. It wasn't worth sweating for, if he didn't teach you, it's his fault you fail. Without a class to witness your struggles, it was much less embarrassing to just fail and accept it.


You nearly jumped out of your seat at the noise. Baldi had slammed his ruler against his desk as hard as he could, and pointed at you. His happy demeanor was completely gone, replaced with a sneer and growl. His hands more claws as they turned to point at you accusingly, "You fail these on purpose!"

You hadn't seen him ever get this mad, and were taken back by his harsh tone.


"You fail my questions on purpose! This answer isn't even formatted as a fraction!"

"I probably wouldn't fail you actually taught me what I'm doing you know."

He shot up out of desk and swung his hard wooden ruler at you, which you dodged barely as you yourself escaped your desk. Panicking, you turned and ran slamming into the door and fumbling for the handle.

Before you could get ahold of yourself to open the door, Baldi slammed into the back of you, one of his large claw like hands curling around your neck and pulling you away from the door and into him. He swung up his ruler, threatening to bash you over the head with it, but couldn't get a proper hold of your struggling form to land a proper strike.

Growling like an animal and sinking his fingers deeper into your neck, your vision twists and blurs as you're struck hard on the side of the head by the wooden stick. Regaining your senses you open your mouth to cry out for help, but are quickly cut off by another blow to the ribs and another to the head once more.

"Stop shouting and struggling or i'll keep hitting your pretty little face."

Tears welding up from the immense stinging pain of the blows, you silence yourself with your fingers, gasping for air to recover and regain composure. You wanted to go home, he was gonna keep hurting you, you knew it, and with nobody being around, and him being larger than you, you feared what he would do to if you keep struggling.

Baldi X Reader NSFW (forced to write this)Where stories live. Discover now