Once upon a midnight sun
Once upon a midnight sun,
When day is gone and night has come,
When the blazing sun gives up the fight
And the ghostly moon lights up the night.
Silently, the shadowed breeze,
It wafts slowly from sea to sea.
In the forests, dead leaves descend,
Silence…for his life is at an end.
Born again amongst midnight stars,
His very essence, his soul, his heart…
Looking down once again,
The world he loved alight with pain.
Soulful midnight tears he did shed,
For the cold, thirsty and unfed,
But from the darkness a hope did rise,
His name written in dark blue skies.
Saviour, was his earth-born name,
For he did tend to the poor, sick and lame,
Hope he did bring and love unspoken,
To a tired world: worn and broken.
But the icy grave did call his name,
Twice it called and earned his fame,
With nothing left the world did weep,
For their hope is lost, his blood did seep.
Yet his life lived on in mind and heart,
His blessed works: his soulful art.
He shall be remembered for eternities to come,
His name remembered by all and some.
But in his name dark wars out-broke,
Arguments over the words he spoke.
His light now clouded by flaming ash,
His spirit now blinded by Tyranny’s cruel sash.
Broken free from tyranny, we must decide,
What the future holds, what Fate’s weave hides.
So remember the words that he once told:
‘Love thy neighbour and thus behold.’
Once upon a midnight sun,
When day is gone and night has come,
His blissful tears shall descend,
For this tale is at its end.
Once upon a midnight sun...
PoetryMy growing collection of poems and rhymes, Read alone or in tune with bell chimes, My poems are small, but strong forever, I shall never stop writing, never, never, never!