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I walk to my car quickly and unlock my blue '09 Mustang, put my guitar in the trunk, and then start to drive towards Times Square. I live about thirty minutes away from there. I put my phone in the glovebox, then I drive out of the parking lot and see that trafic is really bad today. "Good thing I left early today." I say with a sigh of relief. I drive to a stop light, and the traffic is terrible at this light. While I wait I get my phone out of the glovebox and text my manager that I'll be there soon. As I reach over to put my phone back in the glovebox, I saw the same pale-faced man from my apartment staring right at me from across the street. I turn away from his stare again, just like I did last time. The light turns green then I take one more look before I start driving again and he was gone.

I'm about five minutes away from Times Square. My performance starts in twenty minutes though. I reach a stop light and get my phone out and read the text from my manager that says, "Ok good, we've got a big crowd tonight!" I smile.

I am at Times Square now and there are barely any parking spaces left, I finally find one and get out of the car excitedly. I take my guitar out of my trunk, open the case, take the guitar and put it on my back and start walking towards the portable stage that I will be performing on tonight. Fans are clapping loudly and cheering, I am overwhelmed with happiness and cannot wait to start. I spot my manager and yell, "Hey, Ashton!" He turns around and smiles. Ashton walks to greet me and we shake hands. He says, "Ready for tonight?!" I reply excitedly, "Of course!" I walk past him and walk up the stage, to be greeted by large crowd of clapping, cheering, and roaring. I walk towards the microphone and say, "Thank you all for coming out tonight!" They all respond with more cheering. I silence the eager fans and say, "Tonight I will be doing a cover of "Glad You Came" by The Wanted!" the crowd cheers then I start to play my guitar and sing.

Everything's going well, but in the middle of the song I look into the crowd and see the pale-faced man again. I'm so startled I stop playing all together, he gives me a hard stare, his eyes change into a deep red, and I get lightheaded and pass out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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