Fingerprints (Part 2)

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Depressed, broad beeps came from my left. This room was nothing but four bland walls and a bed. The door was open so that any and all sound could enter into my ears. It made me shudder, what I heard. Screams from people to their loved ones, groans from the elderly, and exhausted nurses scrambling to get to patients. To lighten the mood, I compared this hospital to a water park. Bracelets you aren't allowed to take off, uncomfortable and revealing clothing, shitty food, and but no fun. Absolutely zero fun. Fourteen hours was too long in this vicinity. I was getting antsy.

There was a knock at the door, my heart immediately became synchronized with the rhythm of whoever was behind it. My hands pulled me upright as someone peered in, with only their brunette hair waving through the slot. Every muscle I had tightened no matter how horribly it hurt from the wounds at the thought of her being here.

With one foot in the door, a voice sounded from the other side.

"Do you want to see her or not?"

A sinking feeling heavied my chest. It was only Beca.

She lumbered in with a bubbly Chloe following behind her.

"Jess!" Chloe squealed as she ran over to throw her arms around me.

A weary smile surpassed any words and I did my best to return the embrace. My breath sharply sucked in as her elbow grazed over my torso. Just below my breasts was layered bandages covered by a medical gown. The thin fabric did not do me any justice as Chloe's slight touch made me tense. Beca pulled Chloe back a bit, seeing as I was in pain.

"Be careful otherwise you might actually love her to death." she pressed.

"Don't worry about it." my voice managed to let out a low giggle, "I'm really glad you guys came."

Even though I'm disappointed you're not her. I'm surprised that both Chloe and Beca stopped by. I thought they would be too busy re-blocking numbers since I'm going to be out for awhile. I can't blame the others for not showing up, though. If I was so invisible in the Bellas before I'm not really sure what lead me to believe that right now would be any different. People will say that nobody cares until you're dead or dying. Unless you're Jessica. Then people don't care at all.

"Are the rest of the girls okay?" I asked anyway.

"Well," Beca said, "they all feel a bit guilty that they hadn't done more."

If they did, wouldn't they have been here along with you two?

"And Ashley feels, like, super terrible about it all." Chloe blurted out.

Beca smacked Chloe's arm. "Dude, I told you not to bring that up." she hissed.

My mind had blurred up into the flashback of that night at the mention of her name. Her leading me to our bedroom, and the way she held onto my hand so tightly. Like if she were to let go she would never be able to get me back. Traces of alcohol in her breath that stung, but kept me begging for more. And that kiss. Deep, full of passion. Her lips wanting me and mine wanting her. It all came flooding back. Everything inside of me was a magnifying glass, focusing onto one thing. That one thing was Ashley.

"Jessica?" Chloe snapped her fingers in front of me.

"What?" I centered my attention back.

"I said we're going to head out now to let you sleep. We'll see you later, okay?" Chloe put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and pranced away.

Beca patted my leg before following her, "Rest up, kiddo."

As soon as Beca vanished, my chest heaved. Ashley. A nurse came in noticing my heart rate was quicker than usual. Every emotion I felt turned into tears, which made their way into sobs. I need Ashley.

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