Chapter 1👀

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Yazmeena's POV.

As i was packing my computer stuff away and walk out the door looking into my old room now empty, it finally hits me, we are really leaving i sit there and stare for another minute or so as a tear falls down my face.....Well ig you should know by now im not very excited to leave my hometown Houston. I loved it here my freinds family lived here and i had a perfect life till my mom comes in 7 weeks ago and says "Hunny i got an promotion!" Of course i was happy for my mom but on the inside i had butterflies knowing im going to have to start my life over in Sacramento California new school new people new environment and all!

(Mom walks in and looks at you)

Mom: Hunny please don't cry I'm sorry we are moving but living here is not cutting it for us im not making enough money babygirl just think of it as starting over like as a refreshment. (Whipes your tears and kisses your cheek) I love you Yazmeena.

(I look at her)

Me: Thanks for the talk mom and i love you too (weakly smiles)

(Mom walks out as you go to and walk to the car)

Her outfit

Her outfit

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Her hair

Her hair

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