"The 5 chosen Zodiacs are..." That was the last thing we heard before it was lights out! We were picked for this test and we have to try and make it out alive! Love, hate, pain, and differences, are the things that makes this harder on all of us! We...
I sat next to Cancer on the train the whole time, she was so pretty! Gemini had nothing on her, she looked at me and smiled. "Why do you keep looking at me?" She asked, "Uh? I'm looking out the window!" I lied trying not to stutter, "Sure you are." She smirked before standing up and sitting with Scorpio and Pisces. "Hey," Leo said as he sat next to me, "Hey Leo," I replied as he looked at Pisces. "Do you like her?" I whispered, "What!? No! Why would I like her?!" He said, he started getting nervous and massing with his hands. "Yes you do! I knew it!" I laughed as everyone looked at us, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, walked over to us and sat with us.
"Hey, what are y'all talking about?" Scorpio asked, "Nothing, and you know you can take off the straight jacket, right?" I said, she looked at me and smiled widely. "Were here everyone!" Dustin said as we all stood up and walked off the bus, we followed the soldiers through the town. Once our tour of the town was over we walked up a driveway and to a huge house! "Holy shit!" We all yelled at the same time, "This is your new home!" Dustin said as we all ran inside the house. "This house is huge as hell!" Scorpio yelled from the third floor, we all laughed. "Wow! Look at the huge ass pool!" I yelled, the pool went all the way around the house! It was a huge house, bigger than our whole society we lived in!
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"I want this room!" I could hear everyone yell as they found their room, "Okay!" Dustin yelled, he looked at the soldiers and they carried our bags to our new rooms. "I'm going swimming!" Pisces yelled, everyone put their bathing suits on and ran to the pool. Scorpio and Cancer jumped in and the rest of us walked into the pool. After a while of swimming around everyone but Scorpio went to bed, I'm not sure what she was doing. I woke up to someone groaning in pain, I walked onto the balcony and saw Scorpio clutching her left wing and groaning, she was laying next to the pool and still in her bathing suit. There was blood dripping from her wing and she was being covered in black and dark blue smoke!?
I ran down the stairs and out to the pool, I dropped onto my knees next to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Scorpio!? What is happening!?" I said, she put one finger to her lips telling me to be quite. I looked up and saw a huge black dog starring at me and growling, I jumped up and onto a chair as the dog tried to bite me. "Sit!" Scorpio yelled, the dog growled and sat down next to her, she sat up and winced as her wing moved around. "What the hell!?" Everyone yelled as they ran to us, "Stop!" We both yelled at the same time causing them to all stop and look at us weird. "What the hell is that!?" Cancer yelled pointing to the huge, black dog that was growling at them.