"The 5 chosen Zodiacs are..." That was the last thing we heard before it was lights out! We were picked for this test and we have to try and make it out alive! Love, hate, pain, and differences, are the things that makes this harder on all of us! We...
In 3 days, 5 people will get the biggest news of their life! Every 5 years at 5 zodiacs get picked to go on a journey, each time it's a different place, most signs want to get picked! I would cry if I get picked, most people that go on this "trip" never come back, mom said that they stayed at their new home, but she knows the real reason and wants to protect me from it. "Scorpio! Look at me!" Aries yelled, "What do you want Aries!" I yelled I could fell my blood start to heat up, and the anger churn in my stomach. "Why are you standing up? It's not like you will actually fight me or anything!" I could hear people in the room laugh causing my anger to build up. I gave Aries the death glare then punched him in the jaw, there was a loud cracking noise as Aries stumbled backward and fell.
"Next time, listen to me and stay out of my territory Aries!" People gasped and looked at me with fear in their eyes. I spit in his face and walked out of the room leaving everyone is complete shock and fear. "Scorpio?! What was that about!?" Taurus asks me as I walk down the stairs and to my room. "Go away!" I slam my door in Taurus face and he sighs before walking to his room. We live in this weird society, they have us all in certain classes, and our houses are set up in an odd way! My classes are black magic, thievery, fighting, and basically all the bad things.
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My best friends are Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces, they are in some classes with me, but not a lot. Cancer has fought with me, Pisces had magic with me, and Virgo has thievery with me, I'm not like most of the Zodiacs. I'm the worst of them all, I'm the thief that has to run the whole time their outside their room! We do have rules though, some of them are weird as hell, but we have to follow them or else...
(Rules Of The Silent Harbor)
1: No stealing from others!
2: Murderers will be punished for life!
3: Speaking out against the government will be life in prison or death by starvation!
4: Treat others with respect at all times.
5: Use good manners.
6: Never hurt anyone or yourself!
7: Follow every order given to you!
8: Be in your room by 7:35!
9: Always get up on time!
10: Be yourself!
Wonderful! I'm gonna be dead before I turn 22 with the rules, "Yo, are you awake?" I can hear Virgo whisper from outside my door. "Yes, but you need to go to your room! Now!" I whisper back to him, he laughs and opens my door. "Virgo! Go back to your room, now! Your going to get caught in here!" I whisper as he rips my Soundgarden poster off the wall and let's it fall to the floor. "Dude! That's my hero you just tossed on the floor!" I picked up the poster and put in on my bed. "Fuck! I didn't bring the coins!" He yelled, I jumped into my bed and he slide under it. I let the cover fall over the edge of the bed so he was hidden, my door swung open and the whole room was lit up by a huge flash! "What the hell!? You know people are trying to sleep right?!" I yelled as 3 men walked into my room.
"Where is the Virgo!?" One man yelled, "Virgo?! Why would he be in my room!?" I yelled, "Found him, sir!" I turned around and saw Virgo being pulled out from under my bed, he had blood on his lips and his eye was swollen. "Why are you scared of us changing the world?!" Virgo yelled, "Who are you to change the world? Silly boy, no one needs to hear your words! Let it go!" They dragged Virgo out of my room and vanished with another flash of light that lit up my room. "What have I ever done!?" I hit the wall and black mist filled my room. the mist made me dizzy and chased me to fall onto my bed. "Bring it to an end," was the last thing I heard before slipping away.