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I walked into the house and saw everyone, they through a surprise welcome home party for scarllett. It was so cute, I walked in before Jake and he was carrying monkey.

Everyone - (whispers) surprise
E- omg thank y'all some much, who did all this
T- me of course and Chloe
C- I guess y'all helped a little bit
A- haha so funny
E- anyways thank all of
C- So how is Scarllett
E- perfect do wanna hold her
C- of course I was gonna come to hospital but they made me stay late at work
E- Yep I know how that goes
C- haha
E-we can go upstairs so it's not so it's a little more calm
C- sounds good

Erika gets scarllett out of her seat, and they go upstairs to catch up and stuff

E- so how have you been
C- good, working a lot tho
E- yea I know I'm gonna have a lot to catch up
C- yea
E- are u ready to hold her
C- of course
E- (hands her to Chloe) how are u and Logan
C- really good
E- that's good
C- omg she is the cutest thing ever
E- aww thank you
C- she so little, and looks just like u
E- awww your sweet
C- haha will u take a picture
E- of course (takes it)
C- aww thanks this is cute
E- omg I just thought of something what if we took a bunch of polaroids of her with people and make a Polaroid wall
C- omg that's cute
E- ok your first, let me go get it (gets it)
C- ok
E- ok ready
C- yes
E- (takes it) aww it's adorable
C- ok your turn (takes it) aww cute
J- hey babe wyd
E- oh just got away for a sec to let Chloe hold baby then we came up with a idea (tells him)
J- I like that
E- ok it's your turn for a picture (takes it)
C- why don't y'all take a family picture
J- sounds good
L- hey everyone wyd
C- taking pictures
L- ohh that's cool
E- and I think we need one with uncle Logan
L- haha ok
J- now one with u and Chloe because u know
E- #clogan
C&L- haha
E- awww cute
L- man this is some crazy Shit
J- your telling me
L- I can't believe you are like a dad
E- he is her dad since her real dad is MIA
J- I am proud to be her dad no matter what
E- aw babe (kisses him)
L- (turns on his camera) dang brother Jake I can't believe we are dads
J- haha I know it's crazy
E- wait what did u say
L- I can't believe we are dads
C-Erika I can't believe we are both moms either
J- No way
E- your pregnant
C- yep
E- wow
L- I know it's crazy
J- dang congrats bro
L- thanks
E- congrats you guys
C&L- thanks
J- well let's go back to the party
L- yea party

Later that night after the party
E- well thank y'all for throwing that it was people and I will always remember it
J- yes thank y'all

Jake, Logan, Anthony, Chad, chance, all go outside and talk while the girl hang out inside

E- hey T are you ok u don't look good
T- yea just a little pain
C- what did I say Tessa
T- I'm not going into labor
E- T are u sure
T-(water breaks) um jk
C- omg where Anthony *yells* Anthony
A-(runs inside) what wrong
E- your girlfriend is going into labor
J- hey what's wrong
E- Tessa is going to labor
J- what
A- *whispers to Jake* what do I do
J- stay calm hold her hand and shut up
A- ok thanks haha
T- why are you laughing
A- no reason Jake is just funny
C- ok you have to get to the hospital
A- ok babe you ready
T- um yea
A- ok let's go
E- we will met y'all there and get Tessa stuff
A- ok
J- stay calm Anthony
A- ok

Thank you guys so much for reading, sorry I haven't been updating I have been on vacation
Also rip X😪😪

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