The challenge

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Zane challenged me to a month with him. He was so sure of himself that I would fall in love with him. Ha! No way in hell that would be happening. I thought that maybe I had a crush on him, but it disappeared the minute we spoke.

I paced my room, ranting and raving to my best friends as they sat there and listened.

"And another thing! He's too muscly!"

"How the hell is someone too muscly," Gem asked.

"And is muscly even a word?" Bri asked her as they both shrugged.

"Him with his big biceps and tattoos. His stupid leather coat and stupid bike. His breath smells like strawberries or his cologne that has that woodsy smell to it," I said stop. "Wait, what am I thinking? I don't like him!"

"Aren't you the one that had a huge crush on him? Or am I missing something?" Gem asked me

"I was high or something," I shrugged.

"High on hormones," Gem smirked.

I looked at Gema. Why must she always be so unholy?

"Mari, did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe that the reason you are upset about this is that you may like Zane," Bri asked me.

"I do not like him," I said defiantly.

"Why not? He's freaking hot?" Bri and I looked at Gema as she shrugged.

"Because guys like him don't date girls like me. To him, I'm just another conquest," I told them.

"Isn't that a bit harsh," Bri asked.

"More like judgmental if you ask me," Gema added.

"Think about it. Why would a guy like Zane even remotely be interested in me? I'm not exactly the type of girl guys fawn all over. I mean, look at Troy. I liked him for years only to have him call me names when I finally got up the nerve to tell him I liked him," I said softly.

"Troy is a dick! That puta needs to have his balls ripped off," Gema growled. Yeah, Gema hated Troy for what he did to me.

"Tell us how you feel," Bri said to her.

"I already did."

I shook my head.

"Mari, you have one month. What does it hurt to see what happens? He did give you an out, right," Bri asked me.

I looked at her. I wasn't going to win this.

"Fine," I sighed. Why did I have a feeling the minute I agreed to this my whole life was going to change?

The next day, I walked into school and saw Zane with Beau and Dakota. I took a deep breath and made my way to him.

They were talking, and I cleared my throat. The guys turned and looked at me.

"So, I've decided to accept your offer. You have one month. Dazzle me," I said as I walked away. Pretty bold on my part or pretty stupid. I haven't decided which it was yet first.

Zane's POV

I watched her walk away, and a smile curled upon my lips. Perfect.

"Dude, you're not serious about this," Beau asked me.

I turned to him, "why?"

"Marigold isn't the type of girl you can randomly hook up with when you're dating. Everyone saw what happened when she told Troy Walters that she liked him. He crushed her."

"Troy Walters is a douche. The problem with guys like him is they have no conscience when it comes to someone's feelings."

"And like you don't," Dakota asked him.

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