The Werewolf Prince

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Victoria's POV


Here I was looking over the cliff at the village below. How people managed to move around in the crowded streets. How kids played, and laughed in all the the noise. I hated small places, and loud noises drive me crazy. But I wish I was there living a normal life. It's hard to be normal when your mother is Queen and you are crazy powerful. I sighed and made my way back to the castle. Today was the day our guest arrived. Mother had a meeting with The werewolf King and Queen. Each creature had their own King or Queen to rule over them.

But the Werewolf's are the larger and strongest kingdom. This is why mother wants them to be friends. In a time grief of pain she'll have someone to help. She hopes to bring us together by me marry one of the Princes from the near by kingdoms. I was just a card in this sick game she loved to play. If it was up to me I would only marry my mate. But I have no control over anything tat happens in my own life.


The long walk home was filled with nothing but nature. I walked to my room and was greeted by two maids. They bowed their heads and leaded me towards the bathroom. A hot bath was drawn, the stripped me down and cleaned me. Once done, one did my hair the other grabbed my dress.

My blood red hair was curled and pulled around to cup my face. I had natural beauty, that came from my mother. My dress was amazing , I loved it to death.

It was a badge color, a corset top and a loose skirt. The skirt was like a train it dragged behind me. I hated shoes period, and being a princess had its moments. I placed my jewel around my neck. I was a simple chain with a ruby hanging at the end. The ruby was no bigger than a dime but held all my powers inside. A knock was heard at the door, before it opened.

"Time to go your Highness, your mother is waiting."

I walked past the maid and down the hallway to where the dinning room was full of voices. I stepped threw the door, they all stopped and stared. There sat at the top of the table my mother.

"Come Victoria. And meet our guest." The King and Queen and their son."

I smiled and shook all but the sons hand. He only stared at me with so much emotions in his beautiful eyes. I wanted nothing more than to run my fingers threw his black hair.But his eyes make the world freeze and stop, just for you to stare.

"Victoria why don't you show the Prince around while I talk with his parents."

"I would love to." I smiled. And motioned for him to follow me. I showed him the kitchen, pool, ballroom, etc.

"Last but not my room." I said while seating on my bed. He sat beside me.

"I... What's your name?.


"I love it!" I sang looking into his beautiful eyes.

They reminded me of a ocean storm. When he leaned back, closing his eyes. I watched as his eye lashes laid on tan cheeks.

I leaned across his body, and cupped his cheek with one hand. While holding myself up with the other. His eyes fluttered open to revel the ocean. Filled with emotions only I could read about. I never felt something for someone so bad. My body needed and wanted him.

He sat up closing the gap between us. I blushed as he pulled me into his lap. We seemed to be searching each others eyes. For something that I don't know of, but I found it.

Because his lips crashed down on mine. My body was in complete bliss, I felt amazing. We kissed until air left the deepest corners of our lungs.

I can't believe what I did, mother would be proud.

I smiled at the Greek god before me, while he smirked back. Emotions filled my body, I didn't know what to do. So I did the only thing I could I,



Kissed him again!

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