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it was a wonder why kim sunwoo hadn't told anyone about what he witnessed yesterday.

it was almost lunch time but shiho had yet to hear anything of any rumours regarding her and her real personality circling in the air. she already prepared herself for the worst but it didn't come. everyone still treated and looked at her the same way they always did.

it was a relief and shiho was absolutely thankful at sunwoo for keeping her secret safe after what she had done to him yesterday. you see, after sunwoo had pulled her along with him as they ran from the teacher, she might have reacted a little bit too harsh than she should have.

"let me go!"

sunwoo finally released his hold on shiho's wrist when they were out of the school ground. both of them were breathless and they were panting hard, trying to catch their breaths and calm their frantic heart.

a moment passed and shiho was able to breathe properly when she came up to sunwoo, her mind was clouded with rage and she did the last thing she expected; she slapped him across the face, it left her hand aching from the impact.

she didn't even know why she did that. it was on impulse and although she felt sorry to him, her pride didn't let her to apologize.

"next time, mind your own business, kim sunwoo." she had whispered with so much hatred in her voice before walking off with mixed emotions.

shiho could still feel the shivers running down her spine when she recalled how sunwoo looked at her after she slapped him. he was like a tiger ready to pounce on his prey and she was lucky that sunwoo was too shocked to react or else she wouldn't be breathing right now.

the ringing of the bell pulled shiho back to reality. she saw her classmates rushing out of the class since lunch time had just started. when shiho stepped out of the classroom, sanha was waiting for her to have their lunch together, just like every other day.

"hey sanha."

the said boy looked up while chewing on his food, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"if you want to give something to someone, but you're afraid to meet them, what will you do then?" shiho asked carefully, looking at sanha in expectation.

sanha hummed, "of course i'll give it to them secretly, like putting it on their belongings when they are not around or something." he swallowed his food, "why?"

shiho gasped in realization. a corner of her lips quirked up in delight at the new-found solution of her worries. she felt so stupid for not thinking about that earlier or else, she could have saved herself from over-worrying.

"just asking." she brushed off sanha's question and stood up, picking up her unfinished food tray and got ready to leave. "sanha, i forgot i have something to do. i'm going first. see you in the class."

sanha watched shiho left with his brows creased in confusion. shrugging, he didn't give a thought about her sudden departure and continued chewing on his food happily.

shiho reached the classroom in record time. she was totally relieved when she sees no one was around in the room at the moment. she walked to her seat in a hurry and took out the blue-black blazer from her bag. her maid had done a pretty good job in washing and ironing the blazer because it looks similar to a new one. this should be enough to repay him for her stupid mistake.

she glanced one more time to make sure no one was around and made her way towards his seat. she pondered over the best spot to place the blazer because she didn't want to appear to obvious. it took her a good two minutes to decide where was the best spot and she settled the blazer underneath his desk.

"seonuuuu, tell me who is your mysterious girllll."

shiho gasped when the familiar voice of eric reached her ears. she turned around and was ready to escape but it was all too late because when she turned around, three guys already came in from the back door and they saw her almost instantly.

"im shiho?" eric raised a brow, "what are you doing there?"

shiho felt the air was knocked out of her lungs. she opened her mouth to speak but no words seemed to come out of her mouth. her mind was blank and she couldn't find the appropriate answer for eric's question.

the three didn't say anything. they just stared with their eyes narrowed at her suspiciously but it was enough to make her broke into cold sweat. then they shared a look and walked together towards her.

"w-what are you doing?" she stuttered out, moving backwards as they cornered her, but to no luck since the table was in her way. she sucked a sharp breathe when they stopped exactly three steps away from her, the distance was too close between them and was totally invading her personal space.

hyunjoon suddenly leaned nearer, taking her off guard. she thought of all possible things hyunjoon, the infamous playboy would dare to do but it turned out he was just reaching out for something from behind her.

"what is this? i thought you lost your blazer, sunwoo." hyunjoon inspected the blazer he found under sunwoo's desk. he was sure it was not there before they went for lunch. so how—

as hyunjoon put two and two together, sunwoo cringed when he was trapped in his own lie. he cringed internally and couldn't help but facepalmed himself.

hyunjoon gasped when realization struck him. he shot a look of disbelief at both sunwoo and shiho, his jaw dropping.

"what? why do you make that face?" eric asked hyunjoon. he felt slightly left out, seeing that he was the only one left in the dark.

"oh my god!" hyunjoon exclaimed in pure shock, his eyes darting slowly to shiho, "you are sunwoo's mysterious girlfriend all along!"

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