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as soon as they were at a safe distance away from the playground, shiho yanked her hand away from sunwoo's grip, stopping both of them in their track.

"why did you tell them that we are dating?"

"they won't stop bothering us if we keep denying it. so, i tell them what they want to hear. the truth doesn't matter." sunwoo stated nonchalantly, as if he did nothing wrong, much to shiho's exasperation. she had a lot to say, but sunwoo did have a point in his words, after all.

"fine. now, what next? tell them that we've broken up?"

sunwoo shrugged. "it's up to you. i don't really care actually. well then, i'm off." he yawned, turned in his heels and started walking away.

"h-hey! kim sunwoo!"

sunwoo stopped, turning his head slightly to look at shiho with questioning look.

"thank you!" she exclaimed, a sincere thankful smile was formed on her lips. "i owe you one!"

"yeah yeah. go home now! it's late."

it's almost six when shiho finally reached her house. she pushed open the front gate and was greeted by the sight of his father black mercedes parked at the drive, which immediately made her halt in her steps.

her father was rarely home this early, and it usually would be a bad sign when he did.

her fingers trembled slightly as she turned the knob to open the door. as she expected, her father was sitting on the sofa with a stern look on his face. he didn't even spare a glance to shiho, but she knew that he was waiting for her, and that she was probably in trouble.

"f-father." she greeted softly, gripping on her bag's strap to hide her fear.

"where did you go? you have wasted an hour of my time, waiting for you to come home."

"i-i'm sorry." she looked down to the floor, avoiding her father's sharp gaze.

"looks like you have a lot of time to waste, don't you?" a short sneer escaped her father's lips, "should have used that time to study. then, you might be able to give me the result i wanted, not some failure."

shiho bit her lips, accepting whatever words his father spoke of her quietly. don't make things worse, im shiho. it will be over before you know it. she constantly reminded herself, taking a few deep breathes to calm herself.

"you are going to get a new tutor." she slowly lifted her head upon hearing the news. "i figured you need extra help, since you failed to get a perfect score on last test. so i hired another tutor to help you. wouldn't be a problem, right? since you seem to have a lot of free time to waste."

"b-but my schedule is already packed. i already have seven extra classes and i can't squeeze another lesson in—"

"you can." he cut her off, "i've already pulled you out from the ballet class. so you can replace it with the new tutoring lesson."

shiho wasn't expecting that. the tears that she held were threathening to come to the surface and she looked at her father straight into her eyes. in that moment, she lost her fear and all she could see was red. "you can't do that. mom wanted me to be a ballerina—"

"your mom is dead. there's no use in doing a dead woman's wish." there was no emotion in his voice. he stood up and straightened his suits. "plus, you are not going to be a ballerina. you are going to inherit my company and that is final." he made his way past shiho and exited the house. soon enough, the sound of car leaving the driveway was heard.

shiho slumped to floor weakly, the tears streaming down her cheeks. her father's words felt like knives stabbing her heart. the pain was suffocating her that she soundlessly cried, all alone in the quiet, lifeless house.

a/n: before you proceed, please read this!!!

i'm in no way promoting whatever illegal for underage and students. this is just for the sake of the story. DO NOT COPY SHIHO'S METHOD IN COPING WITH HER PROBLEM. please find another healthy and safe way to release your stress.

"where is it? where is it?"

she was chanting the same question under her breathes, her voice and whole body trembling from crying for so hard as she rummaged through her drawers; searching for her stress reliever, but much to her misery, nothing of such came to her sight.

"for fuck sake!" she cried out in exasperation, wiping out her tears that still streamed down her face endlessly, reaching for her phone desperately.

with trembling hands, she browsed her contact list and called him. within a minute, the call was answered, the familiar voice greeting her through the line.

"im shiho, i thought you've forgotten about me—"

"i need it. now."

"woah, you okay, babe? you don't sound great—"

"jungkook, please. i need it, now." she pleaded, weekly.

"o-okay, meet me at the usual place."


another a/n: if you have problems or you need someone to talk, feel free to pm me or comment here. we might be strangers, but sometimes, strangers can be better listeners.

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