Aruthor's Note ) :

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I just heard the worst news in my life. I was on Twitter and I saw Ricky post this


I thought to myself is this a joke or did Connor get hurt or something and then I scroll up on my twitter and saw more people Tweet the same thing Ricky tweeted. Then Connor tweeted that he posted a video on the o2l channel called "My new Chapter."

So I thought this must be something serious and I click on the video and I see Connor look sad. When Connor said that he isn't posting videos on o2l I Literally started crying I thought to myself why Connor we love you and I know Connor is doing this for him self but I'm here stuck Connor franta is not going to be on o2l anymore and I can't imagine it's going to be hard for me to get threw this and I will love you Connor to the moon and back. Us fans feels empty when your leaving o2l. I'm still crying as I'm writing this. I know that Connor is going to make videos on his own channel and do twitter and Instagram also still hang out with the other o2L members. But in also sad but I'm also happy because Connor will be happy with his choice and I want Connor to be happy. I'm soooo sad and I will miss you forever Connor and I still remember all the videos you made on o2l and when I saw the end of your video I cry and that will be the last video on o2l. I can't believe that happened so fast and Connor you grew up before our eyes on o2l and I love you and you fans love they will miss you on o2l. I'm going to stop before I start crying again. I hope you are happy and live your life strong. <3

#WeLoveYouConnor ❤️😭❤️

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