The party

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Hayes' pov.

"Wait, you like me?!" Y/n asked. I started getting nervous.

"Um," I stopped.

"Um, what?" She smiled.

"Well, uh, yeah. Maybe?" I got nervous.

"Do you like me back?" I added on.

"Yeah. I do." Her face got red.

"Let's just go already." She said. We told the guys.

"We're going with you. We won't interrupt your 'date'. We'll also give you a ride there." Cameron said. We agreed. Y/n and I sat together but this time, closer. Cameron has a blue Mustang 2013. It was an amazing car.

"Hey y/n. Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah! Of course!" She replied.

"Do you wanna come to our party tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." She replied.

Your pov.

The water park wasn't very fun because it closed at 12:00. It started raining. But they left Hayes and I alone actually. It was fun when he held me close because I got scared. But it was cute when he flirted with me.

We got to their house and dropped them off.

"The party starts at 2:00. I'll see you then?" Hayes asked.

"Yeah. I guess." I replied.

I really liked Hayes. He was hot, funny, cute, athletic and amazing. I want him to ask me out and to be his girlfriend. I really like him. We got home. I got into the shower and freshness up. I got dressed in my purple skater skirt and my silver crop top. I put on a pair of silver high heel high tops and put on my leather jacket and let my hair down. It looked kind of pretty to be honest. And I never look pretty. I got a text from Hayes.

"You guys can come early if you want to." It read.

"Ok. We'll start going now." I replied.

"Cam! We can go early." I yelled.

"Alright. Get in the car." I went downstairs and got in to car. We arrived at their house. Hayes opened the door for us. It was 1:45. We started setting everything up. People knocked on the door and everyone arrived.

"Truth or dare next to the pool!" Hayes yelled. Everyone went out to the pool. Cameron was the one who did the dare or who asked the truths. And of course he picked me first.

"Y/n. Truth or dare." He smiled.

"Dare." I replied.

"I dare you to push the most annoying guy here into the pool." He said.

"If your a guy, line up in front of the pool." I said. All the guys got in a line. I touched everyone on the back to freak them out. I didn't touch Hayes though. When I turned around, I pushed Cameron in the pool. Everyone started laughing.

"Ok Nash, truth or dare." I asked.

"Dare." He replied.

"Alright. I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in your opinion. It can be on the lips or anywhere." I said. He pulled my arm to get up. I bit my lip. He lifted me up and kissed me right next to my lips.

"Hayes, truth or dare." Nash said.

"Dare." Hayes said.

"I dare you to jump in the pool with the hottest girl here." He said. He grabbed my hand. We went to the edge of the pool, and jumped in.

I stopped playing because the rest of the dares were like make out with the hottest person here, strip, jump in the pool, drink beer and that kind of stuff.

"Can we go home Cameron?" I asked Cameron. He did nothing. But then he grabbed me and kissed me.

"CAMERON!" I screamed. I ran outside and lied down on the ground in the rain, alone.

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