Here's to Teenage Memories

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Fey, Taylor, and Liv were so excited! They just got tickets to attend the New York show of 5 Seconds of Summer! They were getting ready for the concert currently in their hotel room and talking all about the boys.
"OMG I hope Luke and I make eye contact, he is soooo freaking dreamy. It will be like the One Direction concert and Harry all over again!" Taylor said getting excited about the night ahead of them.
"Oh no, I hope Calum pulls me on stage and gives me a private concert afterward." Liv said as she winked at the other two girls who then burst out into laughter over her comical comment.
"I just can't wait to see Michael jam on his guitar! Jesus he is so hot when he plays." Fey told the two girls as she stood in front of the mirror and admired her look for the night.
They all curled their hair and poofed it to mass volumes. There makeup was on point and they were all rocking the smokey eye. Feys a little more tame, Liv's mascara was curling her eyelashes practically up to her forehead, and Taylor was rocking the darker eye shadow. To say they looked hot was an understatement, more like a couple of head turners.
They walked their way to the venue and received numerous stares along the way. It was obvious they owned the sidewalks of the city. Taylor was wearing a white cropped long sleeve sweater and high waisted denim jean short, on her feet she had aqua colored vans, and across her shoulder swung a brown satchel with buckles across it. Liv had on a tank top with a unicorn head on it and a rainbow background, she tucked it into a high waisted black skater skirt. On her feet she wore some Jeffery Campbell knock-offs in pitch black and a black bag with silver buckles hung from her arm. As for Fey, she wore a black tight crop top that wrapped around her torso, she had on distressed high waisted jean shorts that left a strip of skin between her top and bottom, she wore black combat boots on her feet and a black purse with gold details hung from her body.
They finally made their way into the venue with their tickets and started looking for their seats. The theater wasn't huge but they knew in no time it would be packed with 5SOS fans. They made their way to the front were they realized they were seated in the third row. All three girls were ecstatic and knew they actually had a possibility of interacting with their band crushes as they were so close to the stage.
It wa 30 minutes before the show was scheduled to begin when Fey claimed that she needed to use the bathroom. She exited the venue alone and started wondering the lobby area is search of a woman's bathroom. She searched all over the place and came up with nothing. All of a sudden though, Fey noticed she must have wondered off because no other fans surrounded her anymore and everything around her now seemed to be less oriental as the things in the lobby area.
"All I want is a freaking bathroom." she mumbled to herself as she took another turn in the hallway and bumped into something hard. She looked up quickly ready to curse whatever she had run into. But it wasn't and it, but more like a who. Standing in front of her was Michael Clifford and the hard thing she had bumped into just happened to be the middle of his chest.
She internally freaked out but knew that if she showed it on the outside she would scare him off. Instead she decided she would pretend like she didn't know who he was in hopes he would talk to her longer. He looked down at her ready for the scream but his face relaxed when he realized she wasn't going to.
"Can you show me where the bathrooms are?" she said to him portraying no sign that she knew who he was. He looked at her trying to read her face, but decided that she was harmless as she looked up at him through her long lashes and gave him a shy smile.
"Uhh yeah yeah they are just around the corner over here." he told her with a confused look forming on his face. He wondered internally why she hadn't recognized him yet. I mean she was at a concert for HIS band. "Can I ask you how you got back here? It's a restricted area."
"I was just looking for the bathroom when all of a sudden I realized no one was around me in the hallway anymore and then I bumped into you." she said to him, telling the truth.
He gave her a questioning look but continued to lead the petite girls towards the bathrooms. He admired her from behind and appreciated her tiny build. She was definitely his type with her large brown doe eyes and dark brown hair that cascaded down her back effortlessly. Her black crop top hugged her curves perfectly and her high waisted shorts were modest enough to cover her ass but she allowed a small strip of skin to peak out on her midsection. Not to mention her legs went on for days.
He normally tried to keep his distance from being attracted to fans, as it could become quite messy. But this girl already had him hooked. He was thankful for her chill attitude and liked the whole innocence thing she had going for her, it was a major turn on.
"Can I ask you your name?" he said to her almost shyly. What the hell was this girl doing to him. He was at his own damn concert for gosh sakes he should NOT be nervous.
"Umm, that's not necessary information." she told him going for the whole mysterious vibe. He was her favorite band member, and she wasn't gonna give it up that easily. She was going to make him work for it. She could tell she was making him nervous. Could it be a possibility that he actually liked her? Yeah right, she told herself internally. Like that would ever happen.
They had reached the door with a lady symbol on it now and Michael gave her a questioning look but didn't push her any further on the subject. Fey felt slightly relieved, maybe spending a few minutes in the ladies room would allow her to collect her thoughts.
"Uhh I can just wait out here for you. Then, help you back to your seat if you want." he said to her awkwardly. Seriously, What the hell is wrong with me, Michael thought, I mean he didn't even know this girls name for christ sakes. He would never offer any other girl this. She was just so mysterious and he wanted to get to know her better.
"No No thats ok. I think I can find my way back and I don't want to take away from your time and make you wait for me." she told him still not believing she was talking to Michael freaking Clifford. Liv and Taylor were never going to believe this all happened.
"At least let me walk you back out of the restricted area, and you can find your way to your seat from there, ya?" He told her hoping she agreed. She nodded and ducked into the bathroom quickly. He immediately smiled knowing he would receive more time with her.
Once Fey entered the bathroom she pulled out her phone and saw that she had multiple missed calls and text from both Liv and Taylor. She checked the time and realized it was only 10 minutes till showtime. Right then, she made the decision to reveal herself to Michael when she exited the bathroom. She would tell him that she knew who he was. Her only doubt was that she would scare him off and make him think she was a crazy fan. Fey quickly went to the bathroom, washed her hands and checked her appearance in the mirror. All was good, and as she finally built up the confidence to open up the door no one was on the other side. Where the hell did he go? Then she realized he probably had to rush to stage because his show was about to start. She felt bad because he probably thought that she thought he was a dick since he left her. But really it was ok because she understood and knew where he had to go, but he doesn't know that she knows. Wow that's confusing.
Fey rushed back into the the theater and ran down to the third row to tell Liv and Taylor what had happened to her. As soon as she reached them though the house lights went down and the four bandmates ran onto stage.
Taylor and Liv yelled above the crazy cheers, "Where the hell have you been!?" Fey could barely hear them though as teenage girls all around them had gone into a hysterical state over the four boys on stage. She found this funny as not ten minutes before she was in casual conversation with one of them.
"I'll tell you later!" Fey screamed back at them hoping if they didn't hear her they could at least read her lips. This show was already crazy and the music hadn't even started yet.
They all turned around and enjoyed the opening song, soon forgetting about Fey's absence earlier in the night. The three girls rocked out as Out of My Limit blasted through the speakers and Fey watched Michael on stage.God Damn was he hot on that guitar jumping all around in his Metalica cutoff and galaxy hair. She noticed Liv and Taylor couldn't keep their eyes off his bandmates as well.
The boys stopped after the first song to introduce the night. "GOOD EVENING NEW YORK" Luke shouted into to mic in his aussie accent. "I'm Luke and that is Michael on guitar, Calum on base, and Ashton on drums. We are SO excited to play for you guys tonight!"
" The next song we are going to play is She Looks So Perfect. So jam with us if'd you'd like." Calum said after Luke's introduction. It continued on much like this with all three girls jumping up and down and singing the lyrics at the top of their lungs. It was a blast to say the least.
They went to start the next song, there ever popular cover of the song What I Like About You, but before they could strike the first chord Michael stepped up to the microphone like he had something to say. The other band members gave him odd looks as this was not one of their cued times to interact with the audience.
Fey's heart skipped a beat. What I Like About You was one of her favorite songs and now her favorite band member was about to say something spontaneous. She held her breath as he began to speak.
"Hey guys, so uh, I know we don't normally say anything before this song, but I just wanted to send a shoutout to the girl I met before we came out onto stage. Sorry, I left you. I must've seemed like a complete dick, but uh, I kinda didn't want to be late to my own gig so yeah. Anyway, this ones for you babe."
Fey could not believe the words that just left Michael's mouth. Her jaw was literally slack and her mouth hung wide open as she stood only three rows form the stage. She turned towards Liv and Taylor and they both wore looks of confusment, obviously over Fey's reaction to the rockstars words. All she could get out is, "It's me, It's me." She was fo sure that as soon as Michael had walked away he had forgotten all about little ol' Fey, but apparently that wasn't the case.
At first Fey's two friends seemed confused at her words. Slowly though she saw recognition dawn upon both Taylor and Liv's faces. The two girls started jumping up and down and pointing from the stage and back to her. Already within five seconds they had started to cause a scene, as teenage girls all around eyed them suspiciously.
"Would you two stop that! I'd don't want him to know it was me!" Fey screeched at her two obnoxious friends. Taylor and Liv stopped jumping immediately and stared at Fey like she was crazy!
"What the heck? Why wouldn't you want him to know that it was you?" Taylor asked Fey as the boys continued the song on stage.
Fey glanced up for just a moment wanting to tell her friends what happened, but knowing that it would be hard because of all the loud music surrounding them. She realized slowly that people around were still staring at her ,Taylor, and Liv. She also realized that a particularly bass player on stage had caught sight of the ruckus they had caused as well. 'Just great', Fey thought, 'Now Calum has noticed us too. Let's just hope he doesn't find anything interesting and goes back to focusing on the rest of the crowd.'
Fey turned back to her friends and tried to explain the situation in the shortest that she could. "I ran into him on my way to the bathroom, but I tried to play it cool so I didn't tell him my name or that I knew who he was."
She could tell both girls now understood what she had done and accepted it. Finally. Fey just hoped people would stop staring at them now!
Just as this thought ran through her mind though, she saw Calum cross the stage during the song to were Michael stood on the right side. The bass player leaned into his friend and they continued to play the song as they support each others backs.
'Please just walk back to your side of the stage Calum. PLEASE.' Fey begged internally. But, she was met with no such luck as Calum turned towards Michael and whispered in his ear. Just as Calum was finished and ran back across stage to his mic, almost missing his cue, Michael turned towards the crowd. Fey could tell that he was searching, and she knew he was searching for her. His eyes swept right across the front row and slowly crept back towards the third. 'This is it', she thought, and just like that the two locked eyes and she forgot she was in the theater full of screaming fans as all she saw was him. Michael felt the same as if he was only playing guitar to the girl with the long brown hair in the third row, his bathroom girl.
Fey turned nervously away and broke the stare. She noticed Taylor and Liv stood nearby by obliviously to what had happened as they were too busy ogling Luke, Ashton and Calum.
She was terrified to turn around again and face the stage. She knew his eyes would be on her the second she did. She was afraid she would see hurt this time because he had realized she actually knew who he was the entire time, but acted like she didn't. Like she had betrayed him in some bizarre way. But, she knew she had to otherwise she could miss a great opportunity, not to mention her friends would be pissed at her.
As she was about to turn around and start enjoying the concert again a big black man with a shaved head stood at the end of their row. 'Oh god he is here to kick us out, Michael hates me I bet.' Fey thought internally. He made his way down the row as the boys continued to jam on stage as now Don't Stop blared through the speakers. The man stopped in front of Fey and without a word handed her an envelope and then turned around and left again.
"Open it! Open it!" Liv urged her. She obviously realized by now that the man had caught the attention of the two girls and they had seen the envelope that he had handed Fey. With shaking hands Fey took open the envelope. Inside was a note and three passes. The note read:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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