chapter 24.

149 6 4

tw// abuse and homophobia

.:Will POV:.

The bell's high-pitched scream echoes through the school, signaling the end of the class day. I quickly collect my books and shove them into my bag, eager to see Nico. After scurrying out of the classroom and practically throwing my books into my locker and slamming it closed, I find Nico already at the school's entrance, waiting for me with his earbuds in and his lips slightly mouthing the lyrics.

Instead of calling out to him, I take a running start and tackle him, he lets out a shocked yelp before realizing it's just me and wrapping his arms around my torso.

"What was that for? You could have just yelled and let me know you were here!" My boyfriend whines as we pull away.

Boyfriend. Just the word itself sets fireworks off in my stomach.

"Because," I tease, "you're cute when you're flustered."

Shades of red blossom in Nico's cheeks as he shoves my shoulders, knocking me back a step. He's smiling though, and the sight causes an ear-to-ear grin to stretch across my face as well.

A second bell sounds, indicating that the first load of buses is ready to go. Unfortunately, Nico rides first bell.

I frown, stomping my foot. "Can't you stay and me drive you home later?"

Nico shakes his head, I don't know whether at my childishness or as an answer. Probably both. "Nope, sorry." He laughs before stepping forward again and hugging me.

I kiss the top of his head, then start to pull away but I feel his grip tighten, he buries himself into my chest and melts into me. I let go of his waist with one hand to place it under his chin, forcing his head to tilt up and his eyes to meet mine.

His dark chocolate eyes are no longer filled with pain and sadness. They no longer seem as if they've seen the depths of hell, even though they probably have. Instead, they twinkle now whenever he smiles his bright, beautiful smile, which he is smiling much more often. His skin isn't a constant ghastly white anymore, either; now his cheeks tint with pink whenever I tease him for being his adorable self.

Best of all, he doesn't hide in his jacket in public, no longer shrinks away from everyone. He's not afraid to speak around the other students, not afraid to yell my name from across the hallway before racing down in and jumping into my arms to kiss me.

Back in the present, Nico flashes me one of his smiles before leaning up to press his lips firmly against mine as if he'd just read my mind.

That's when we hear somebody clearing their throat behind us, causing us to break apart abruptly. Turning around, my gaze falls on my Mum, with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed to slits. Just the sight makes me feel as if a frozen hand had snaked through my clothing and had wrapped it's icy fingers around my chest, slowly squeezing the air out of me.

"Come with me, Will. I'm, uh, checking you out." Mum orders, her voice cold.

I nod and mumble a quick good-bye to Nico as Mum grabs my hand harshly, dragging me out of the building.

As soon as she shoves me into the car and her door is closed, her voice rises as she yells, "What was that? I thought I told you to stay away from that boy? I'v done everything for you, Will Solace, and this is how you repay me? By going against everything I've ever taught you, by being gay, by dating that--that faggot? You know what, this is the last straw. We're moving. We are getting away from here, and getting you fixed."

Now she's driving. She's so furious that she can't think straight and she's swerving off the road every way, the cars around us honking but Mum ignores them.

Suddenly anger streaks through me and I start screaming too, which I never do. I never yell back at my mother, I don't know what'd she do to me. "You can't do that! Mum, I love him! You can't-"

She cuts me off with a fist to the center console--the thing between the two front seats--and seethes, "Yes, I can. And I am. And don't you ever say you love a boy again, hear me?"

Blinded by rage, I roll down the window and yell, "I. LOVE. NICO. DI. ANGELO."

With that, Mum's fist collides with my head and the world goes black.

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