chapter 33.

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.:Nico POV:.

I'm still beaming a few minutes into making out with Will until I have to come up for air.

Gasping for breath, I meet Will's eyes. They're bright and sparkling blue, like the sun reflecting off the ocean, and his lips are turned into a broad, dorky grin.

It takes loads of restraint not to pull him in and kiss him again, instead I settle for taking his hand and leading him inside.

I shove Will onto the couch and then plop down beside him. I ready myself to ask him a volley of questions, but before I can open my mouth to speak the front door is pushed open and Seph steps in with bags in each hand. She rushes past, murmuring a quick hello to me but not stopping to look at us.

Hazel follows our stepmom in, with just as many bags, but she stops in her tracks before she crosses the door's threshold. The bags drop to the floor and so does my sister's jaw, her eyes growing wide and she screams, "N-Nico? W-Will? WILL!" With that, she lurches forward and tackles Will in a hug, yelling over and over how glad she was he's here and how mopey I've been since he's been gone.

"Okay, okay, Hazel. Paws off my boyfriend," I pry Hazel off him before adding in protest, "and I wasn't that mopey."

"Sureeee." Hazel says sarcastically. "You just stayed in your room for three days without moving or eating because you wanted to."

I notice concern flash over Will's features, but before anybody can say anything Persephone barges in from the kitchen with a spatula in her hand.

"What's going on--Oh! Will's back?"

The three of us nod in unison.

"I thought you moved." Seph waves her hands when she speaks, the spatula jerking around in the air with her movements.

"I did. I ran away."

My stepmom's brows furrow.

"I'll explain later, Seph." I cut in.

She nods, but her voice remains confused. "Where will you stay?"

Will replies, "Oh, I was going to go stay with a friend, or maybe go back to the old house."

"No! You can stay with us. Right, Seph?" Hazel interrupts.

"Uh, sure. Will can room with Nico."

Will's cheeks heat up. "O-only if that's okay with Nico. Otherwise, I could stay on the couch."

"It's fine with me." I say.

"Okay, then." Seph says with a clap and smiles. "It's all settled. Welcome home, Will."

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