1 // First day //

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You slowly push open the two huge yellow doors to be greeted with a great big hello. You jump startled and slowly turned around to see a tall man wearing a green sweater along with a pair of denim jeans and also had a bald head with a strand of brunette hair which made him cute in my opinion. " Hello! You must be y/n!" The man said with the sweetest smile... I blushed replying with my name too. He looked at my face seeing my blush turn more noticeable. "y/n you seem quite red are you feeling okay?" the man asked." Y-Yes ! Just fine thank you mister..." I say stuttering. "Mister Baldi" He said with a big smile. You giggle and flashes a sweet smile back at him.

Baldi's POV:

y/n looked so cute with her black lacy skirt, long socks and white top. She honestly looked like a angel... Wait Baldi what are you thinking! You can't fall for one of your students... I guess ill just have to take it easy on her and maybe not get so angry that easily... "This way then!" As you lead her to your class. " Please take a seat miss L/N." I say giving her the you can think pad device. 

Reminder: Y/N  means your name !

L/N means your last name !

also sorry for the short story I promise there will be writing more at 5:00 and posting it at 5:30 but currently it is 4:07.

Also the art works shown to you are not mine and are from the rightful owner.

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