4 // Angel //

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Baldi's POV:

You blush and gasp when y/n kissed you. She jumped out of your arms and ran down the halls. "Y/n wait!" you say. With your incredible hearing skills you detect she was hiding in the cafeteria. You crept to the cafeteria and spot her hiding behind a couple chairs and tables. You slowly walk behind y/n and bend down reaching her height. "Hes probably disgusted" y/n says in a broke voice. "Wait... Of course hes disgusted in me" She mumbles over and over. You frown and lift her chin up. "I would never be mad at a angel" I say with a smile. y/n blushes and smiles back. "Now come on lets get back to class" I say. She giggles and nods walking beside me. We get into class and I give her the you can think pad. She settles in and writes down the answers to the first three in a couple minutes. You watch her write down the first few answers as she stands up and walks towards me. I simply grab the you can think pad from her as she looks down. I lift her chin up and smile at her as I take a look at her answers. I hug her as she gasps in surprise but she eventually hugged back ... crying? I faced her and saw her crying tears of joy. I giggled and heard the bell ring. "Okay y/n its time for you to eat now! ill see you later my dear" I say over whelmed with joy. "Bye mister Baldi!" y/n says and walks towards the cafeteria. 


So this is a female reader // sorry to the fan boys out there ... Also again sorry if there are spelling errors and yes I am aware that Baldi is from a game and is a teacher including he is old but the Baldi x reader stories have gotten quite popular and it gives me the chance to get better at writing and to get more confident sharing my work! 

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