Chapter 11 I ❤️U!

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All that I could do in the moment was to hug her and cry with her like I did when I was only seven years old.We cried for a long time till' Y/N said,
"Te amo Kei."
I told her,
"I don't know what that means."gulping my tears at the same time.
"I love you Kei."She said louder.
"I love you too Y/N."I said
I got enough courage to tell her what I was going to say several years ago if I saw her again.Every year on my birthday I would say the same sentence over again,
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?" At 8 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 9 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 10 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 11 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 12 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 13 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 14 years old.
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 15 years old.
And now,
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend?"At 16 years old.
Y/N looked at me with her beautiful e/c eyes, and she said,
"Yes, I would love to Kei!"
I put her ring on her ring finger and I got on one knee and I said,
"I will wait Y/N for when we both marry each other."
When I got up I grasped my right hand on her hip and I kissed her for the first time and that was my first kiss.

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