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I run inside the show, in the normal persons area.
I see Hayes on stage and I scream.
But it was no user there was too much noise. I keep trying tho and one girl turned around. She was pretty.
"Um excuse you he has a girl- oh my god I'm sorry..."
"It's ok!"
"People out of the way!"
She pushes people and then I run through so I'm right at the front.
I see him dancing but then I see carter see me and he taps him.
He jumps off stage and I climb over the barricades and hug him.
"I'm sorry I should have trusted you. I was stupid not to Hayes. Can you-?"
He stopped me from rambling by kissing me.
"I know. I should have told you!"
I kiss him again and everyone cheered and clapped. I see jack clapping too. I looked at him and he nodded. I hopped up on stage and Bart told me I am part of magcon now! I cried I was so happy!
After the show I met up with Hayes and he asked if I wanted to do something tonight and I agreed and we decided to go on a tour of the glowworm caves.
I change into some cute winter outfit seems we'd be on the water and it will probably be cold.

I change into some cute winter outfit seems we'd be on the water and it will probably be cold

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Then we head off

Will it be the best second date they wanted? Will everything go as planned?
Brie xxx

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