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Chapter 2

"Danii it's time to get up" I here my mothers soothing words and her hand on my arm. My eyes flutter open to see my mother a wave a relief washes over me as I sit up and hug her, "I love you mommy" I whisper into her hair. " I love you to darling now get up and get dressed, your going next door for a day or two, your father and I have to work some stuff out" she says pushing back hair that was in my face, her eyes widen and anger fills her eyes "what happen?!" She asks worried looking at my bruises cheek.i don't answer and look down "Daniel angel Cameron answer me right now" mother says angrily, "tears well up ok my eyes and I bring in a shaky breath. "David....." Is all I could say when tears start pouring down my cheeks I cry into my mothers chest. "David did this to you?" She asks angrily, I nod and she holds me right "he is gone ok baby? He will be out before you come home. Alright?" Mother looks my in the eyes with hurt anger and worry in her eyes. I nod and she leaves the room closing my door silently,

I go over to the old mirror on the wall and look at my reflection, my hair is a mess and I have bruises on my face bringing in a big breath I whimper and lift my shirt, there stood out a big purple, black and greenish bruise right on my ribs from David's boots. Letting my shirt fall down I hear screaming and yelling then a loud bang downstairs like a gunshot, I make my way to my door way and listen threw the crack in my door. I slowly and quietly come down stairs and while at the bottom out of the corner of the hall I see David standing looking down at my mothers body on the floor and a gun in hand, blood started covering the wooden floor tears pour down my eyes and I go to step back and stand on a old floor board, it creaks and David whips his head around and I run for the front door. Opening the door was hard cause it was heavy I run to the neighbours house as fast as my little legs can carry me and I bang on the door and scream "help!! Help!!" David comes running out of the house after me and as soon as he get to the walk way it opens and mrs. Horan opens the door looking down at me then at David and the gun in his hand, she moves me behind her trying to get David away from me "what is happening" mrs. Horan asked scarily trying to hide her fear. Hearing the floor cream I whip my head around and see Niall he sees his mother David and the gun and runs for the phone dealing 911, after he hangs up Niall comes over to me and takes my hand he leads me up the stairs into a little room, "I will be right back ok...please stay here" Niall said in his Irish accent, nodding I bring my knees to my chest and hold them he goes down stairs and I hear police cars. Running to the window I see one pull into the drive way and three race down the street after David.

After the police finished here they went over to my house and started looking at the crime scene, mrs. Horan had come upstairs to see if I was hurt "are you ok Danni?" She asked looking at me with worry. I shake my head no and cry I don't care of Niall is watching I cry and cry my heart out, she wraps her arms around me and holds me "Niall dear go get some cold water and cloth for danni" she said. Mrs. Horan started singing to me softly and rocking me back and forth, just as I was about to fall asleep Niall came back with a sweater cold clothes and water just as his mother asked he set the water and cloth on the side table and handed me a sweater to wear. "I brought you this so you didn't have to stay in that nighty..." Niall trailed off seeing the bruise on my cheek. They both left me to myself after saying they are here for me and I'll be staying here till further notice. I drink the water and change into the sweater Niall brought me. It was a bigger sweater and a boys, I figured it was nails he was 8...two years older then I, I crawled under the covers after the drunk and changing I took the cloth and placed it on the back of my neck drifting off into a frightening sleep.


Another chapter!! Let me know how you think yea I rushed a bit cause I forgot all about it after the party today sorry!! Here ya go

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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