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He hugged him.

He felt warm.

      Bangtan was having a fanmeeting event, and as they started their first performance, Jungkook can't help but to feel nervous and excited at the same time. They were performing in front of thousands of ARMYs, and he can't help but to feel slightly worried about making a mistake, but seeing them chant their names and wave their lightsticks eagerly to show support makes him want to do more, to show off his best. Seeing their contented smiles and feeling the energetic vibe coming from the fuels him to do more and perform to the best of his abilities. And so he does, smiling to himself as he felt the support their thousand of fans were giving them.
      After a series of performances, they were grouped and teamed up against each other for a game they were about to play. He was placed with Jimin and Taehyung while the 'hyung' line which comprises of Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon were grouped with the each other. As the host told them the mechanics of the game and how it works, the brunet felt an arm wrapping around his torso, and someone's head nuzzling on the crook of his neck. He doesn't understand at all, but it felt warm, it felt nice, he felt comfortable as Kim Taehyung engulfed him into an embrace, whispering these words to him.

"I'm really happy to team up with you, Jungkookie-ah."

      The maknae smiled to himself without him even noticing it. He glanced at the older boy, but as soon as he did that, the arms that were snaked around his body were suddenly disentangled from him, leaving him with a feeling of disappointment, which confuses him a lot. He just tried to shrug the feeling off and played the game with others, more focused on having fun than actually winning it.

     He stayed at the couch as the rest did what they usually did. Hoseok was in his and Jimin's room, probably sleeping already since it was already 1:30 AM and he really looked tired after the whole fanmeeting. The same goes for Seokjin while he doesn't have any idea what Yoongi and Namjoon could be doing at this very hour. Jimin was probably on his phone, reading something, while Taehyung might be doing the same, too. As the thoughts about the brown-haired male crossed his mind, he can't help but to smile a little as he remembered how he hugged him earlier. The vocalist still felt befuddled about how he felt that moment, but all he can think about right now is how giddy and warm he felt against Taehyung's embrace.

"What's up, kid?" Yoongi greeted out of the blue, startling Jungkook. He tried to compose himself but it was too late; the older male had already noticed his grin earlier. "You're thinking about the hug earlier? You like Taehyung?"

"N-no!" he quickly stammered in denial. "I'm not..."

"Whatever floats your boat. I'm outta here." the rapper said, a small simper present on his face as he entered the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Ugh." he just groaned, face resembling a tomato.

lol i suck at writing stories i swear. idk with my life

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