27: banana milk

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27: banana milk

"Yeri, can you go get the mail?" Karen calls from downstairs. I was reading a book and I was very comfortable. I didn't really feel like doing anything.

"Sure," I yell back, slowly getting out of bed. I grabbed an oversized hoody from my chair and put it on. I grabbed a pair of shoes and went downstairs.

I enter the kitchen to find Karen making dinner for the family. I go and grab the keys from the counter where she placed them and then I started to leave.

"Wait!" Karen calls after me and I stop and wait fo her to continue. "I'm out of rice, can you quickly go grab some from the store quickly?" She puts her hands together, pleading.

"Of course," I smile and she hands me some money. "Wait, I don't need this much," I protest, handing most of it back.

She smiles, "treat yourself," she says, and walks back to the kitchen.


I walk outside and I'm welcomed by the cold wind. I was only wearing a hoody and some black shorts. I put my hood up and went to go check the mail first.

I've been waiting weeks for my letter.

I skip to the end of the driveway but stop when I get to the box.

Maybe I should check it later...

I stuff my hands in my pockets and start walking down the block to the nearest store.

I look at the sky, the sun is setting. It will be all dark in less than an hour.
The wind makes me shiver and I put my head deeper inside my hoody.

The colors of the sky, so beautiful. A milky pink and purple, mixed together to make blended, pretty art. I stop and close my eyes, capturing the feeling of this moment. It felt like freedom. To be able to just blend together with different colors.

I open my eyes and look back up to the sky and see everything has gotten a bit darker.

10 minutes later I've arrived at the store and I rush inside to find warmth. The lights blind me for seconds as my eyes adjust to the room.

I walk deeper into the room, quickly grabbing a small bag of rice. Kind of thirsty, I walk down a couple isles, trying to find milk.
I look at the choices: vanilla...strawberry... chocolate...............


One left.

I reach for it, but it's snatched by another hand.

"What..?" I turn to see a guy with mint blond hair, grinning. "Yoongi."

"Hey Yeri," he says, still holding the milk.

"Can I have my milk, please?" I smile, taking my good off. I smooth out my hair with my fingers, detangling it.

"Sure," he gestured to the wall filled with other flavored milk.

"Yoongi, my banana milk." My smile falls.

He chuckles lightly, "I grabbed it first."

"C'mon, we both know you don't like banana milk." I cross my arms over my chest, rolling my eyes.

I just want my drink so I can go home.

"True," he shrugs, "but your boyfriend does."

What? "Your buying it for Jungkook? Are you with him?" I didn't know they were hanging out today.

"Yeah, Jungkook and Jimin are at Jungkook's. We ran out of food and JK asked for banana milk." His explanation was so simple.

"Oh, okay," I put a strand of my hair away from my face.

"Hey," he takes my hair, playing with it a little. "Maybe I should bleach my hair again and we could match," he gives me his gummy smile.

"Yes! I would love that," I laugh as we walk to the register. I love talking to Yoongi, especially when he wasn't tired or grumpy. He's so good to talk to, I feel really comfortable with him.

We payed for our stuff and walk out of the store. It's completely dark now except for the lights on the street.

"I'll walk you home," he starts walking towards the direction of my house. I jog a little, catching up to him.

We walk at the same pace, not speaking. "So... what's up?" I break the silence. Sometimes not talking made me nervous.

"I think I'm bi," he says and stops walking.

Okay woah.

That was...


I stop walking and stand next to him and he puts his head down. "Okay," I say softly. I hesitantly put my arm around him, not sure of what he needs right now.

He hugs me all of a sudden, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm scared," he whispers.

Poor Yoongi.

"Hey," I hold him close, "it's okay. I know our friends will accept you for you. You haven't changed, don't be scared. I love you."

We stay like this for a while as he cried lightly. "Thank you Yeri~ah," he lets go and kisses my cheek.

"Of course," I smile and link our arms together as we walked deeper into the night. "So... is there anyone...?" I try to lighten the mood.

"Um," he pauses for a second. "Yeah, there is actually someone." I see him smile.

I gasp, "who?! Tell me everything!"

"Okay, okay," he chuckles and I can see his face start to heat up slightly.


"Thanks you for walking me," Yoongi and I stop in front of my house, next to the mailbox.

"Thank you for accepting me," he opens his bag and takes out the banana milk. "Here," he hands it to me.

I take it and smile back at him. "I'm always here if you need me."

"I know," he says and motions to the mail box. "Did you get your letter yet?"

"Has Jungkook?"

He nods his head, "he has."

I take out my keys and unlock the box. I take out the letters and start going through it. I go one by one until I see it.

"I got it," I stare at it.

"Looks like it," I look at him and give him a quick hug.

"Thank you for the milk," I shout as I rush back into the house. I can hear him laugh and I watch him continue to walk down the dark street, to Jungkook's house.

Any guesses who Yoongi likes?
Not very proud of this chapter...
Thank you for reading.

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