Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

“Um Thorn what are you doing?” Skyler said with a scowl on her face.

“I’m eating! Duh!” I mumbled while stuffing pancakes in my mouth and devouring some bacon. A few girls at the table looked at me with disgusted faces, they got up and left the table.

“Talk about multi-tasking…” Penelope said frowning.

Gabriella shook her head at me in disapproval and took my plate and fork away. “That was already three plates Thorn!” Skyler stated.

“A woman your height and weight should consume 1,800 to 2,000 calories a day and you already consumed half of that and it’s only ten o’clock!” Gabriella said.

“And you’re sort of chubby…” Penelope said looking at me up and down.

“Why does that matter?!” I shouted at them.

“Well Thorn, men don’t like chubby girls and if you’re aiming to become a hostess you better start watching what you eat” Skyler said.

“But I’m still a little bit hungry..." I whimpered.

Skyler get me an astounded look “Really? Fine here’s a healthy granola bar.”

I took it and sniffed the wrapper “Eck!”

Skyler got up and announced “Okay! Who’s ready to go shopping?” Everybody shouted in glee I looked around baffled “Shopping where?”

“Oh the mall, silly!” Sunny said grinning widely.

“But-but I don’t have money!”

“Oh no worries, I got plastic.” Skyler said winking at me.

They pulled me to my feet and we began walking to the door. “What’s plastic?” I asked.

“A credit card. All the big sisters that are rank star and rank ‘A’ get a credit card. Everybody who is a rank below gets a debit card with money of their own that they earned.” Gabriella replied pushing her glasses up.

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We arrived to the mall shortly after. The place was crowded with shoppers all mostly girls with Gucci and Coach wallets bulging with cash and multiple credit cards.

“Everybody is so sparkly” I whispered to myself as a tall Asian girl and her blonde friend passed by me as if they owned the sidewalk. A scent of citrus and leather breezed past me.

I fell behind from the group and now that they were in the front, all I saw was their slender backs poised with grace.

“I don’t fit in with this crowd…” I suddenly felt like shrinking to a dark corner.  

They are all majestic lions and tigresses while I'm just a mouse.

“Can’t you do anything? I told you to add the broth to the pot before adding the chicken!” she smacked me across the face. The throbbing burn from the two slaps seemed to remain there and never seem to fade away. “You should understand that the only reason I adopted you was not because I wanted a daughter,” She sneered.

“Now clean up this mess!” She roughly kicked me in the stomach.

I grabbed my stomach as if I actually felt the same kick to my stomach years ago. “Thorn! Come over here, you can’t fall behind you’re with us now!” Sunny said she grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the group. Skyler, Ivy, and Penelope gave me a smile I could not help but blush to and look away. Am I finally in a place I can call home?

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“Oh look at this! This is cute…” Skyler said inspecting the Michael Kors bag she saw for display.

“Isn’t this too much already? You bought me like three different purses and already a whole wardrobe!” I exclaimed.

“Oh Thorn! It’s never too much.” Sunny said. I sighed slowly walking to the bench to rest. These heels are killing me! I checked the back of my heel already finding a blister.

“Thorn! Come on lets go to Victoria Secrets for panties!” Penelope said excitingly. She thundered toward me her bangles clanging into each other noisily to her movement.

“Aw not again!” I yelled out as Penelope dragged me into the store like a rag doll.

“So what’s your bra size?” Penelope asked boldly. I widened my eyes at her and said in a hushed voice “Why are you asking me this? In public!”

I looked around cautiously. It seemed to me that all the girls in the room perked their ears up to hear my answer.

“Oh come on! Nobody can hear us!” Penelope said loudly. I groaned Penelope is really digging my grave at this point.  

“So what are you? An A cup, 34 or 36?” Penelope asked shamelessly.

I threw back the question at her “I’m not answering unless you tell me yours!” I crossed my arms to my chest. She won’t answer, right?  

I thought wrong. She gave me a wicked laugh and held her boobs up proudly “I’m a proud mother of these D cups!” She flaunted them a little before directing her attention back to me. “So tell me!”

I blushed and said quietly “I’m a B cup…”

“A B cup! Damn girl I thought you were an A! You need a push them up a bit,” she announced. Oh my goodness! Can she be any more loud? Where is the bathroom where I can hide in and never come out? Skyler and everybody else walked in to the shop.

“Hey you guys! What you guys doing?” Skyler said tossing a few more shopping bags my way.

“Getting a B cup bra for Thorn.” Penelope said cupping a few bras and felt them for padding. And she tells everybody?! Can this day get any more worst and embarrassing!

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