Love Life More Like "Tornado Of Drama And Emotion!!" RUN FOR THE HILLS! Part 1

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So my love is what you call Pathetic, non-existent, and complicated all mashed up together. BTW let's call the boy R because I don't want to reveal his name though it does start with R ;).

Hi, I'm Hannah/ Lizzy and this is my story on love (so far). So like in the song "I fell in love with my best friend" I actually did. I've known him since we were five and to add to that we share the same exact birthday, He's only two hours older; he bragged about it all through elementary and still hasn't stopped xD but I joke him for being a little shorter than me so we are even xD. He lives right across the street from me (literally) and we were friends ever since he and his family moved in. You see back in kindergarten R had a huge crush on me, and like any 5-year-old boy would do to his crush he kissed me...

ON THE CHEEK! Yeah I know you thought I meant lips, trust me if it was I'd still be in shock and that was well over 8 years ago...hehe... 

 anyway so it was in the middle of the school day to around 11 am i think, the rest of the class was sitting on the rug waiting for story time and I was standing up behind the class listening to the teacher talk, I don't know why but at the time I just didn't feel like sitting down. So as I was listening to Mrs. Owen talk about the story R walked up next to me and stood next to me for a second, I didn't really pay any mind to his little act of standing next to me cause at the time we were getting to be good friends. Then it happened he pecked me on my right cheek then walked away to sit on the carpet.


*cough* anyway so that it what I count as a half first kiss (since he missed -3-) considering as a 5 year old ray of sunshine, rainbows, and giant bubbles he totally recked me xD I was standing there trying to process what just happened for like at least 5 minutes until the teach told me to sit down I did it but as soon as I got home I was sure the whole world could hear me scream "MOMMY DADDY A BOY KISSED ME! DO THEY HAVE COOTIES!?!?! AM I GOING TO DIE!?!?!??!"

Yeah I was one of those kids xDDD my dad was freaking cause he thought I was talking about a kiss on da lips but I told them all the details and they were like "oh... ok sweetie no you aren't going to die and no I don't think he has cooties but you never know" 

So yeah it went something like that, don't expect every detail all that happened when I was five and like I said that happened over 8 years ago xD Anyway Skip forward through all the playdates and hangout we had together and let's get to some of the other stuff.

Ok so skip to 3rd grade, I build up some courage to talk to R about the kiss he gave me in KG and you know what he said? " Oh yeah, I had a big crush on you then but not really any more" is basically what I remember him saying (no that's not exactly word for word what he said to cause people that was 3rd freaking grade).

You know that shattered my little 3rd grader heart though we were on our way home so here's my response "oh... ok" then I turned away and looked out the window ignoring him the rest of the time. Yep, you can bet as soon and I closed my front door the waterwork opened .- .

Skip to his little brother G's B-day party this was 4th grade for us I believe, his little brother is I think 3? years younger? idk something around that I'm pretty sure he is three years younger anyway, so I got invited cause one I'm a close friend and two G had a major crush on me '^.^ 

Anyway so I was one of VERY FEW girls there and most of the girls were younger than G and prob family. The rest of the females were moms of the kids. So there were a lot of boys there some I went to school with other were friends from sports.

So the boys were playing soccer in the front yard where everyone was and I decided to join, of course, none of the other girls were playing they were to busy playing with hula hoops. I'll admit at the time I was a little hesitant to play with them considering they were tripping each other to get the ball. But you know that kick of bravery that makes you do something you wouldn't normally do? well, that isn't one of those times I'm usually the girl who likes to hang out with the boys because let's face it ladies (and gentlemen if there are any reading this) sometimes girls can be boring and overdramatic, I don't want to offend anyone but it's true in some cases. Not to mention I didn't know any of the girls there besides my mom, R's Mom, and R's Grandma so... I only knew most the boys there, in my mind I was thinking "what's the worst that could happen?" Well... MANY THINGS COULD'VE HAPPENED!

I didn't get hurt thanks to R's Mom pulling him aside and told him something I couldn't hear, but... my mom could~~ AND GUESS WHAT SHE SAID TO HIM! "R be careful with Hannah I know you play rough with girls you like" which I mean that was every time we hung out in the backyard at his house so (and by this I mean like playing football)... YEAH! Anyway, after his mom pulled him aside he came back, we ran around the yard a bit, then watched the Bee Movie they filmed on their garage door.

Time skip 8th Grade


My first school dance! Ok so I know not everyone knows this but I am and was homeschooled throughout middle and high school (if you don't know what that is it is basically going through all your schooling at home whether it's book work or on your device) so there was a time in my life during homeschooling where R was my only friend, and mean ONLY. Since all the other people I called friends went on to public schools they never bothered to call or pick up the phone so my guess they.... forgot about me? Or maybe I wasn't as close of friends for them to bother calling me _o.o_ ANYWAY so R was the only who I made sure I stayed in contact with because I didn't want to lose my Best Friend. (plus it wasn't that hard he lives across the street xD) so after 1 year of no friends besides him my mom decided it would be best that I join a Co-Op and socialize with other Homeschoolers. 

Time skip 1 year later

So as you might've gathered it was 6th grade alone, 7th grade first year of Co-Op and now we are on 8th grade! now once you turned 13 (eighth grade) at the Co-Op they host a Winter Formal Dance. 13+ can go but I mean you have to be in high school no older unless you are volunteering there. So R and his family came over one night and R, G, and I were just chilling on the kitchen talking about random stuff so I eased the topic of school then...

Thank Y'all for reading this Part one of "Story Time!" I hope you enjoyed so far and please Vote, Comment, and Share! Speaking of comments tell me of any story genres you want me to do, like do you want me to follow the trend of Bodyguard stories or maybe some other things I can definitely try! I'm not asking for me I want you guys to have stories you enjoy and can be part of so please give me your suggestions. Sorry that I cut off the story here but I've been writing for hours so I felt it was good to leave it off here. Even though it's almost at 1,455 words that's an achievement for me ^-^ Anyway guys! Have A Fan-Freaking-Tastic Week!!

(1,457 words)

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