Chapter 39 ~ Jeong's Birthday

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"MOMMY! DADDY! WAKE UP!" Jeong yelled as he was jumping up and down on our bed.
"Mhm what is it sweetheart?" I asked him in a really sleepy voice.
"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!" He screamed, Jungkook groaning in response "How about you go to your uncles and ask them to bake a huge chocolate cake for your birthday hm?" Jungkook asked "OMO YES!!" Jeong screamed again as he ran out of the room.
"Now I don't know if that was you caring for your son or you just wanted him to annoy your brothers" I said giggling a little bit
"Both honestly" he chuckled "But I also wanted to be in bed with you more" he said as he kissed me lovingly "You little fluff bunny" I laughed "You sure you a demon?" I asked playfully "Oh shush" he said laughing, as he got up.
"Now let's get ready"
10 Minute's Later

"Can we go now mommy??? Pweaseeeeeeeeee" Jeong whined

"Did you got everything?" I asked as he nodded "Then let's go!" he yelled 'yay' and then ran out of the mansion

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"Did you got everything?" I asked as he nodded "Then let's go!" he yelled 'yay' and then ran out of the mansion.
"OMO!" Jeong yelled as he was looking around the room.
There were a lot of ballons, pretty decorations, presents and etc
In the room were my parents, my brother (and yes he is alive), Jungkook's brothers and 2 girls who were holding 2 little boys who are 5 years old (they are moms friends)
"Mommy who are they?" Jeong asked curiously "They are gonna be your best friends sweetie" I said as he jumped up and down excitedly and ran towards them.
"You did good love" Kookie said from behind me "Yeah" I whispered "Hey what's wrong dear?" he asked as he cupped my cheeks "I just...I don't know...I sometimes think that I'm not  a good mother" I said softly "Are you kidding me? Love you are the best mom Jeong could ask for! You are doing a great job" he said smiling at me "But I...I'm just afraid that I'd do something similiar what happened to me.." I said "That ain't gonna happen Y/N" he said in a serious tone "We ain't gonna let the same happen to him he will have a happy life" he said kissing my forehead
"Now let's go get the cake"
"Happy Birthday Jeong!" everyone said as Jeong blown the candles

"Happy Birthday Jeong!" everyone said as Jeong blown the candles

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"What a beautiful cake Ms. Jeon" mom's friend Linda said "Thank you Linda" I said, smiling brightly at her.
Lily another friend of mom came to us and said "Our kids sure are having fun" she pointed her finger to them as I saw them laughing and talking hapily "Which is a beautiful sight to see" I said "I agree" Linda said smiling

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