Chapter 34 ~ Siren Song

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"I'm scared" I said as I sat down on the couch. What happened out there is really freaking me out, and I honestly don't want it to happen again.
"Y/N love you have to" Jungkook said
"But..." I started "Ugh...fine"
Namjoon sat in front of me and stared deeply in my eyes.
"Hakata nu rebilious sante" he said
When he said that, I all of a sudden felt really strange. I felt like my eyes were changing..
"You called me?" I said..or more likely my demon side said
"Yes" Namjoon replied "Who are you?" I chuckled "I'm Ciara..Y/N's demon and siren" she said
Eh..? What the-?
"Siren? Explain" Namjoon said
"What is there to explain? I'm a hybrid simple as that" I- er she said
"I am her..but a darker side of her"
Jungkook stared at me..or rather say us.. "I was with her ever since she was a baby that happens to you demons as well" I/she said "If that is correct then how do you know Jumin?" Jungkook asked "I met him and his demon when they tried to hurt Y/N when she was a little baby" Ciara said
"They didn't want to leave us alone so I put a spell on her to protect her from him until I was fully prepared to protect her myself" she said as I felt a tear sliding down my cheek.
"I apologize for letting them hurt Masaki..I didn't want her family to get hurt by that stupid bastard" she growled
"That is quite alright" dad said
"Thank you for comunicating with us Ciara" Jungkook said
"You are very welcome" Ciara replied as I felt myself smiling at him
"And tell your demon I would be glad to meet him" Ciara said as I felt myself taking control again.
"Woah" I whispered "Hmph so she can read my demons mind too" Jungkook said "I guess she does" I chuckled as I hugged Jungkook
"I'm gonna go rest for a while" I said as I walked out of the living room.
When I woke up, I felt like I wanted to sing. So I got up from the bed and walked to the balcony door, opened it and walked out to feel the cold air touching my skin.
"It's night already" I whispered as I looked up at the night sky.
Into the sea
Hold you close to me
Slide neath the waves
Down into the caves
Kiss me my love
Come rest in my arms
Dream your dreams with me
Slide beneath the sea
Come to me my love
Forget the land above

"You sing beautiful my love" I hear Jungkook say from behind me as I turn around to face him.
"Thank you" I said as he held me close to him "I guess that's your siren side eh?" he said and I just nodded
"It's a Siren Song" I said as I looked at the sky "It would lead men to their doom" I whispered "Hmph" he said "Well it won't lead me so let's go to bed" he said "You need rest"

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