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Megan's POV;

After the show was done Peep came up to me and I gave him the biggest hug

"You did amazing and that last song.. I really felt that" I said while hugging him making him chuckle we pulled apart but our faces were so close, we made eye contact for a while. Then that's when my heart started racing, he was leaning in and finally our lips met and crashed perfectly together I felt so much in that moment, unexplainable feelings as if I was under a spell, one that I didn't want to get out of.

We pulled apart and still stared at each other it's s like we were lost.

"I've been waiting to do that" He finally said making me raise an eyebrow

"Is that so?" I smirked and he laughed putting his arm around me making our way back to the car.

"Gus?" I heard a squeaky voice say we look back and I saw a now crying girl

"Layla why are you here.." Peep asked like if he's been through this before

"I was at your show, I saw how you sang that song to her. But it was all for me I know it was" Layla said sounding crazy

"It was definitely not for you don't be so delusional get out of your head and look at reality I'm not interested in you.." Peep said honestly

"You will be" She said and walked off sounding as creepy as ever, Peep always has girls coming around begging for him and some how he always just tells them to piss off. You'd think the opposite.

"Crazy ass bitches these days man. Don't turn crazy on me" he said lighting a cigarette

"Who is that anyway?" I asked as he passed me a cigarette and lit it for me I never bothered asking. But for some reason I was curious now.

"My ex.. But she's toxic as fuck so I had to let her go" He replied while taking a drag of his cigarette, for some reason I didn't even feel a bit of jealousy.. Everything was as it seemed.

"But anyway are you coming over " He said giving me a smirk changing the subject

"Yeah sure let's get fucked up again" I said making him laugh

"Glad were on the same page" he said, Tracy and Smokeasac came out and got in the car and we made our way back to their place

"I'm tired of pink hair" I heard peep say "I want blonde now"

"I can dye it for you!" I said, i'm actually really good at that.

"You'd do that for me?" he said grabbing his heart making me laugh

"Of course" I said and seconds after I was being attacked with kisses all over my cheeks which made me die of laughter "Gus" I said between laughs

"Y'all so cute" smokeasac said making me laugh, yeah we are pretty cute friends right?

"We try" I flipped my hair making them laugh. We got to their house and made our way in.

Tracy went to the kitchen and grabbed a liquor bottle along with his weed he chugged some down not making a face or anything

"Are you god" I asked making him die of laughter

"Opposite" he said passing me the bottle I chugged some down making a sour face  it was so strong. Then Peep did and we kept it going till we were drunk as fuck.

"Are you gonna dye my hair" Peep said reminding me

"I'm so drunk are you sure you want m-" I began but he cut me off

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