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"Come on!" I shouted out of frustration as I hit the door with my boot one more time.

I tried to break down the door but it was impossible since I was such a weak, skinny girl. His screams never seemed to end and that only made my chest to tighten and my ego to rise. I wanted to do something to help him–if not save him.

"Fuck!" he yelled, his voice showing pain.

"Let him go you son of a bitch!" I cried and hit my fists against the door, my hair moving back and forth as I shook my head.

My words surprised me since I never said a bad word in my entire life. I never liked cursing and using bad words, I was more of a polite person, even if I had lost my temper. But this time... I just couldn't handle it. The words slipped my tongue and I had to admit; I didn't regret it at all.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I heard him threaten and my heart stopped.

Dare what? What was going to happen?

Running across the room that seemed to be the kitchen, I grabbed a flat wood from the broken and dirty table and ran back to the door. I tighten my grip around the wood and slammed it against the door knob. After some more slams and hits, the door knob fell a little and send me a wave of relief.

Quickly, I hit the door with my boot three times and it opened with a loud noise, finally letting me leave. I quickly ran out of the room but my tracks came to a halt and the wood fell from my hands when I took in the view.

There he was, kneeling down, his head tilted back , his face looking up at the ceiling, an open wound on his chest and collarbone, thin lines of blood running down his lips from the corners, his eyes closed shut, sweat covering his forehead, wet hair stuck on it, his muscles tensed and his breathing was heavy. He was the definition of pain, not me.

"Oh my God..." I whispered, covering my mouth with my hands.

His eyes snapped open and he looked at me scared. For the first time, I saw him scared. He was not scared of me though, but from something that was behind me. My eyes widened, and my stomach turned, already feeling someone's presence behind me.

His eyes were cold and angry as he glared behind me. He tried to stand up but he fell down on his back, like something pushed him down. I gasped and pulled my hands away from my mouth before I started to run towards him.

I was soon pushed back by someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me against the front door of the house. My back collided with the door and I felt like I was losing all the oxygen from my lungs. I gasped for air and struggled, trying to pull away from the door but then I felt someone's hand wrapping around my throat. Fear and shock cursed my body as I looked in front of me and there was no one.

"Let her go!" he stood up and shouted to my direction.

I stared scared as he ran towards me and grabbed my wrists, pulling me away from the door, in order to fall on his chest and grab a tight grip from his black t-shirt that was soaked with blood. Even though I was disgusted of blood, I ignored it. He had an arm wrapped around my waist and the other that was on his chest was holding my wrist that was holding tightly his shirt, his black eyes staring into my own with anger. My tears fell on his shirt and he clenched his jaw, making me feel slightly afraid he was mad at me.

"You okay?" he breathed, surprising me by his words.

"I'm fine. Are you ok–"

I was interrupted by a force that threw us both away from each other, my scream and his shouts echoing through the house. I hit my back and fell on the ground, the pain that took over my body was indescribable. He landed on the stairs that cracked under his weight and he groaned in pain loudly.

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