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"When I got in the 'black room', I had the worst time of my life. The scientist put that medicine into my system and I went through a lot of pain. I felt every bone in my body breaking, all the blood being drown away from my veins, I felt everything slowly and painfully stopping, which only brought me close to one thing; death." he explained, sending shivers down my spine.

"He said it's a new kind of DNA and I'm the 'lucky' one that gets to have it in his system. Guess I'm not that lucky after all," he raised his eyebrows and pressed his lips in a tight line. "But, the medicine took all night to bring me back to life. I felt like my soul was grabbed and pushed into my body against my will, and that's why I couldn't quite control my emotions. I was so angry when I woke up in that car. The two guards were taking my 'dead' body to burn it to ashes. Little did they know it would be all the other way around." he smirked, eyes fixed on his hands.

"The same night, after I killed both of them," my breath hitched but I tried to cover it by coughing. "I got to the experiment lab and burned it down. I tried to save all the boys in there before the scientist took them and transported them to the cars that was about to take them out of the city. I saved a lot of them, but they were all in such bad conditions..." his expression turned to pained.

"The scientist was so angry that the medicine didn't work in my system, so he decided to change all of the boys the same night. They were all screaming, begging for my help. I was running like crazy in there through the flames, taking the boys out of the building to rescue them. Most of them didn't survive though..." he sighed.

"Hoseok? Did he survive?" I asked quietly, preparing myself for the worst.

His eyes snapped to look up at me with a hint of anger in them. I gulped, since that meant I managed to upset him once again. He held my gaze for a little longer, eyes showing distress before shaking his head and running a hand through his hair.

"I was so frightened that they had already taken Hoseok away, that I killed a group of 6 guards in seconds, not wanting to waste time finding Hoseok. I'll never forget how intense that entire situration was that night."


No Point of View

He ran faster than a cheetah, like a flash in the shadows, between flames and dead bodies. His head was only focused on one person; his best friend, Hoseok. He couldn't ignore how all the emotions grew more intense with each second that passed and he still couldn't find Hoseok.

"Hobi!" he shouted, eyes scanning each corner of the long hallway that was on fire.

He snapped a guard's neck the second he appeared in his way, anger and hatred coursing his body. He wanted nothing but to take his blood back, and of course free Hoseok.

He suddenly heard his screams in the end of the hallway. His eyes widened as he stared at the experiment room he entered only less than 24 hours ago. His heart raced with fear that Hoseok was now close to death, that his system wouldn't stand the new medicine that bastard was putting in him by force.

He got to the experiment room door like a flash, much faster than before. He fisted his palms before kicking the door down and entering the room. His stomach tightened when he saw Hoseok handcuffed on the table, body shaking roughly and blood running down the corner of his lips.

He felt his heart sinking at the sight of his best friend–no–brother being in that state. He moved his gaze to look at the scientist staring at Yoongi shocked, the empty medicine in his shaky hands. Yoongi took a deep breath and felt his blood boiling, his vision turning red.

Yoongi suddenly threw the scientist against the wall, his scream filling the air. It sounded like heaven, listening to that fucker screaming for mercy. The scientist fell on the ground, Yoongi stood in front of him like a flash. He kicked his stomach 10 times, then his boot connected with his jaw. Yet he wanted more.

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