sw - enervate

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(v.) to weaken or render ineffective

You take a deep breath, holding it until your lungs burn and then you slowly breathe out. The anger that's been clawing at your mind fades away along with the carbon dioxide. It takes a few minutes, but the tension that chained your body into a stiffened rock also began to bleed out with every exhale. The ringing in your ears had yet to leave, every tone barely diminishing as you continued to just breathe.

You let the soft piano dilute the fury coating your mind, observing distantly as the waves stopped pulling you under. When, after what felt like an eternity, you finally felt mostly at peace, you brought the subject back to mind. It had been rather ridiculous of you to get so worked up over their comment. You hadn't interacted with them much before now, a streak that was likely to continue. They didn't matter to you, had no importance in your life. You smiled. Therefore, their opinion did not matter. And it wouldn't, ever. Because who were you to give them the satisfaction of giving into their goading?

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