I can help you

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"Oh! I did not know that"


He was cut off by the bell chiming again.

There were some girls maybe 22, who entered the store chatting about Jimin.

"Do you know he was sick the other day?" One of them said

"I heard that, but I also heard someone took care of him"another one said

"Yes, that person is nice" the third one said

They went to the food department and took out 4 packets of ramen.

They came to the counter.

I stood up for the billing but Jimin stopped me

"Don't go Y/N, you eat, I can help"

He gestured with his hand that I should sit down.

He stood up and went to the billing counter and I was just watching.

He greeted them and took their items. He billed them.

He asked them,"That is all"

"Yeah, wait you look familiar"

"Oh no! Maybe it's just a similar face"

"Ya maybe you are right, Jimin"the taller one snapped

All the three girls eyed Jimin but then smiled

He was in shock but then he removed his mask and scratched the back of his neck

"Yah! Okay you caught me girls"

"Can we just get a picture?"

"I don't think so girls, but I can give you a autographed packet of Ramen"

"That is enough for today"

He autographed them and then the girls went out.

"Are you sure they did not take any pictures?"you said

"I don't think so, ARMYS are real nice"

"I agree"

He smiled

"Well the Kimchi is over and so is my shift so I better get going" I said

"Okay" He replied

We both went out of the market together but then parted our ways with a small goodbye.

But Jimin hugged you, which made it a little bit special

Oh! Who am I kidding?

It was really special.

I mean your bias hugged you?

You went to your house but then your phone buzzed again. This time a net notification.

"Mystery girl spotted with BTS Jimin, is she his someone special?"

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