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/N listen to the media when i tell you to

Monday 6:58 pm


Yugyeom: Hey Y/N?

You: Hi yugyeom

Yugyeom: can you come to my house? For a dinner?

You: I already told you, i am with Jimin

Yugyeom: I know...i am only asking as a friend

You: Okay then~

Yugyeom: Thank you

Jimin chat

You: Hi!

Jealmin: Hey dear~ watcha upto?

You: Yugyeom invited me for a dinner

Jealmin: Have fun there dear~

You: not jealous?

Jealmin: Not anymore

You: Aww cutie!!

Mochi: You changed my name???

You: Haha, how do u know?

Mochi: I have a feeling...what did you name me?

You: First tell me what is 1047

Mochi: You haven't figured out?

You: Nooo 😢😢😢

Mochi: I messaged you at that thats when we first met

You: Oh now i get it~

Mochi: And you named me????

You: Mochi

Mochi: Aww my sweetie

You: Okay....sweetness over...i have to go bye~

Mochi: bye~~~~ <3<3<3<3

You: </3

Mochi: :(

You: ❤❤❤❤💜💜💛💚💗💖💙?

Mochi: :-) :-) :-)

Your pov-

I keep my phone in my pocket in my handbag.

I wear a red dress because it was a like a formal dinner.

Everyone in the dorm had plans tonight, well mostly with BTS

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Everyone in the dorm had plans tonight, well mostly with BTS.

Min-Seo and Ae-cha had to play video games with Jungkook and Taehyung.

Suga oppa and Namjoon oppa came to our dorm because they, mi-hi unnie and Abby unnie were working on a joint track of BTS and Mejor. They were also working on individual tracks for Mejor and BTS because all of them were great musicians and lyricists.

Hee-young unnie, Jimin unnie, J-Hope oppa and Jin oppa were going shopping to the nearest supermarket.

Wait! I haven't told you see everyone in BTS are together with their correspondence form in Mejor.

I reached Yugyeom's house In 15 minutes.

I knocked at the door.

"Y/N? From Mejor?" Mark (from got7) asked

"Yes, Yugyeom invited me over for a dinner" I said

"Oh~ sorry we didn't know that, we are going for a night in the arcade"

"Oh okay no problem, I'll be on my way~" I said and I went out.

"Next time"Mark shouted

Play the media here~~~

"Okay" I replied back

I was on the stairs when suddenly two strong arms gripped me and pushed me against the wall.

I tried to figure out who he was by the corner of my eyes.

It was...


"What are you doing????" I screamed but my scream was stopped by a hankerchief of chloroform (it faints people)

I felt myself falling on the cold floor and being picked up like a doll.

It all blacked out after that.

I fainted!

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