First lesson and everything starts going sour, the seating plan has changed.
All there faces drop, then all 5 of there voices come at the teacher
"but miss why have you... this is so not fai... why have you split us up"
There teacher then tops them all
" fine back to your original seats" she sighs and sits heavily back in her seat.
The girls smile and walk to there seats, lesson time flies past,the bells go and they walk out of lesson.
Zoe notices Luke in the distance and smiles, politely he smiles back and his braces shine bright Zoe sighs a deep sigh and the girls all gaze longingly at or should I say who she was staring at they all then sigh DEEP sighs.
Lunch comes and they pick the table right behind Luke's table, they just watch as he eats his lunch and licks his lips in slow motion (well not exactly) as they work out a game plan for themselves to get with him but they don't tell anyone just keep to themselves.

The 5 and that one boy
Novela JuvenilThe high school year can only get better when 5 girls fight to the death for one boy this can go right or wrong.