Take My Hand

9 1 0

Take my hand
Let me pull you out

Take my hand
Let me pull you in

Take my hand
Enter the world

We should do it together
Take my hand

I'll protect you
Take my hand

Hang on tight
Close your eyes

Don't open them
Take my hand

Hang on tight
Close your mouth

Don't say a word
Let me whisper in your ear

Take my hand
Hold on

Don't let go
Let me whisper

Let me whisper in your ear
Let me whisper the words in my mind

Close your eyes
Let me see what you feel

Close your mouth
Take my hand

Let me pull you to me
Take my hand

Let me show you my world
Take my hand

Hang on tight
Don't let go of me

Don't let my hand go
Hang tightly

It's how you'll stay safe
When you're with me

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