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The Sapphire stood only able to hold her mouth. Shakily breathing and wobbling bakwards. In front, stood a large Ruby. A large gem on their back, held a spear through it. The spear shot back from the Ruby. And with a ear-splitting cry. The Ruby fell to the ground. Their gem shattering, and their body soon disintergrated before the Sapphire's eyes.

The large silhouette of a large gem stood before the Sapphire. A large diamond shaped gem was held in their left eye. A deformity of the diamond. In a thunderous, hollow voice they spoke. Shaking the Sapphire from the daze they had from watching their guard fall dead.

"I expect you to be more obedient, Sapphire." 

"Y-yes ma'am."

The Diamond stepped closer, lowering themselve to almost match the height of the short stubby gem. Then gently pat her head, and in the light of the rising sun. A light ray of sun gleamed on the pink outer gem shell of the diamond. And, with a burst of energy. The diamond stood, stepping off from the crowded area.

The Sapphire stood shakily holding her heart. Her love, the only one she knew well. Was killed protecting her honor. With the large mumbling of the crowd pushing her forward, she'd step over to her diamond's carriage. And sat on a large cushion next to her. 

A large jolt up shook Sapphire from her sudden slumber, and teh carriage was up and moving, then with another large jolt, they were in the air. Through the large holes in the carriage, Sapphire spotted hundreds of Lapis were seen flying while holding the carriage.

The Sapphire could only hold her head and silently cry to herself. 

[Shattered End]

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